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The Genomics Landscape
In the October 2019 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green focuses on recent efforts to make the human genome reference sequence useful to basic and clinical researchers and how increasing the representation of human genomic variation will remain key components of NHGRI’s Human Genome Reference Program.
… the fourth annual International Summit in Human Genetics and Genomics at NIH last month. The month-long summit is designed … (and where it does not apply).   …   Each year, NHGRI’s Division of Policy, Communications, and Education partners …
Human Genome Project
Record and submit a short video, capturing your thoughts/concerns/excitement about the launch of the Human Genome Project.
… Project. NHGRI would like you to help us commemorate and celebrate this occasion in an unconventional way: by pulling out your phone and taking a selfie video! Starting Thursday, Oct. 1 through … of the 2020 Strategic Vision for the next decade of human genomics research in late October. … Video criteria … Sharing …
Genomics 101
Find out how the rapidly emerging field of genomics is transforming our understanding of human health and enabling advances that benefit all of humankind.
… to the way your body responds to diseases, medications, and aging. Find out how the rapidly emerging field of genomics is transforming our understanding of human health … offers access to reliable and timely information about genomics research and the human genome. Our resources and …
Dr. Temesgen Fufa is a program director in NHGRI's Division of Genome Sciences.
… understand how gene regulation plays a role in development and human disease. Dr. Fufa is involved with directing a … training programs aimed at enhancing the diversity of the genomics workforce. Before joining the NHGRI, Dr. Fufa was a … Ph.D. … Dr. Temesgen Fufa is a program director in NHGRI's Division of Genome Sciences. … Dr. Temesgen Fufa is a program …
The Genomics Landscape
In April 6, 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., talks about how NHGRI will hold a symposium on National DNA Day, April 25, highlighting relevant and interesting topics in genomics and concluding with the annual Louise M. Slaughter National DNA Day Lecture.
… to the issue’s publication of Charles’ 2022 American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) presidential address, … . The address pointed out that “as we learn to read and interpret information coded in the living and evolving … investigator in NHGRI’s Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch, recently led a study that characterized …
Jobs at NHGRI
NHGRI has four position openings for Health Scientist Administrators (Program Director and Scientific Review Officer). Program Director positions will have a special concentration in informatics and data science and will be located in the Division of Genomic Medicine, the Division of Genome Sciences, or the Office of Genomic Data Science. Scientific Review Officers will reside in the Division of Extramural Operations and will organize peer review meetings for all areas of genomic research at NHGRI.
… Health Scientist Administrators (Program Directors). … HHS and NIH are Equal Opportunity Employers. … The Program … groups. The Program Director in the position in the Division of Genomic Medicine  will provide … provide scientific expertise and support of computational genomics and data science activities within NHGRI and across …
Heather Colley is a program director in the Division of Genomic Medicine at the National Human Genome Research Institute. ​
… Ms. Colley is a program director in the Division of Genomic Medicine, National Human Genome Research … 2007. Her research portfolio includes the NHGRI Training and Career Development Programs, Loan Repayment Program, … the diversity of the biomedical workforce and leveraging genomics to improve human health. Ms. Colley received her …
The Genomics Landscape
In the January 7, 2021 edition of The Genomics Landscape, Dr. Eric Green details NHGRI's new agenda on enhancing genomics workforce diversity.
… Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D. … Happy New Year! And thank goodness 2020 is now in the rearview mirror. With … the pandemic and to pursuing exciting opportunities in genomics. The Genomic Medicine Working Group of the National … imperative. Teri Manolio, M.D., Ph.D. (Director, NHGRI Division of Genomic Medicine)   2020 NHGRI Strategic Vision … …
The Genomics Landscape
In the February 12, 2021 edition of The Genomics Landscape, Dr. Eric Green talks about the 20-year anniversary of the publications that reported the draft human genome sequence.
… Lander will serve as President Biden’s science advisor and director of the White House Office of Science and … the first seminar in the new Bold Predictions for Human Genomics by 2030 seminar series is now available for viewing. … to be a scientist. Lawrence Brody, Ph.D. (Director, NHGRI Division of Genomics and Society)   2020 NHGRI Strategic …
The Genomics Landscape
In the September 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green, recaps the April 2023 virtual reunion of the leaders of the five genome-sequencing centers (G5), where they tell the untold story on how they ushered the Human Genome Project across the finish line in 2003.
… Genome Research (NACHGR) will take place on September 18 and 19, 2023. Three times a year, NHGRI convenes NACHGR, a group of leading genomics experts who advise the institute about all aspects … ET to hear updates about NHGRI and genomics. The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) recently announced that …