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Educational Resources
Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by an inability to make or use the hormone insulin.
Educational Resources
A candidate gene is a gene whose chromosomal location is associated with a particular disease or other phenotype.
Research at NHGRI
NHGRI researchers work with patients and families to understand of how genes influence disease and develop more effective diagnostics and treatments.
… to better understand of how genes can cause or influence diseases and develop new and more effective diagnostics and … and families to better understand of how genes influence diseases and develop more effective diagnostics and …
On May 1–2, 2018, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) sponsored this NHGRI workshop in Silver Spring, Maryland.
… workshop, Revisiting the Missing Heritability of Complex Diseases, Ten Years On , in Silver Spring, Maryland, on May … Ave … Revisiting the Missing Heritability of Complex Diseases, Ten Years On … NHGRI sponsored the workshop, Revisiting the Missing Heritability of Complex Diseases, Ten Years On, in Silver Spring, Maryland. … On May …
Educational Resources
A syndrome is a collection of recognizable traits or abnormalities that tend to occur together and are associated with a specific disease.
Final outcomes from the most comprehensive analysis to-date of humans and their microbiomes definitively link microbes and microbial activities with health problems.
… such as cancers, and autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases. Hence it is not surprising that the human … model microbiome-associated conditions: preterm birth, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and prediabetes. The goal … opportunity for interventions to prevent premature birth. Inflammatory bowel disease and the loss of specific microbial …
News Release
20 papers published online in 2014 highlight research on DNA biorepositories and electronic medical records to better understand the genomics of disease.
… genetic architecture of different traits, conditions and diseases. They examine the genome in many different ways, and … non-obesity related FTO variants had potential ties to non-inflammatory disorders of the cervix and chronic … the IL5-IL13 gene were linked to a type of esophagitis, an inflammatory condition in the esophagus.  Genes that …
For Patients and Families
A list of genetic, orphan and rare diseases under investigation by researchers at or associated with the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… Many human diseases have a genetic component. Some of these conditions … Institute (NHGRI). … This list of genetic, orphan and rare diseases is provided for informational purposes only and is … set of human genes), we are learning that nearly all diseases have a genetic component. Some diseases are caused …
News Release
Researchers recommend genomic approaches to discovering inherited variants in one or a handful of genes that affect an individual's rare disease risk.
… large effects on an individual's risk for developing rare diseases. These same approaches might help researchers identify variants that affect complex diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. The … variants," Dr. MacArthur said. "We don't know enough about diseases and variants yet. We called for more rigorous …
News Release
TCF1 (for T cell factor-1) is essential for the creation and persistence of disease-fighting antibodies in the bloodstream.