Search Results

91 - 100 of 2685
Diversity Center
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) has established a Diversity Center for Genome Research that will build UTRGV’s genomics research capacity by 1) expanding genomic research capabilities and discoveries in two innovative research projects; and 2) enhancing the size and quality of the available genomics workforce.
… Grande Valley (UTRGV) has established a Diversity Center for Genome Research that will build UTRGV’s genomics research capacity by 1) expanding genomic research …
Your Genome
Information about the relationship between genomics and health for patients, families and health professionals.
… can be difficult to understand and raise many questions for you and your family. Our resources will help you find … up-to-date information on the rapidly expanding field of genomics.   … For Patients and Families … Health FAQs … For Health …
News Release
Researchers with support from NIH will conduct research into the genetic underpinnings of Alzheimer's disease.
… support from the National Institutes of Health to conduct research into the genetic underpinnings of Alzheimer's … or protect against the disease. The NIH awarded grants for using innovative new technologies and computational methods for the analysis. The scientists also will seek insights into …
Research Training
The Clinical Center Genomics Opportunity promotes precision medicine and development of infrastructure to support clinical genomics at the NIH Clinical Center.
… The Clinical Center Genomics Opportunity promotes precision medicine and spurs … Center. … The program provides an exciting opportunity for the Institutes that participate in the NIH Clinical … and NIH Clinical Center employees. The protocol and consent for the study should include permission for genomic …
Research at NHGRI
NHGRI center focused on computationally intensive approaches to analyze large-scale genomic data and identifying genetic contributions to human disease.
… The Center for Genomics and Data Science Research focuses on the development and application of … computer science to identify genetic variants responsible for increased susceptibility to disease and variation of …
Research Funding
NHGRI's programs and projects support research in one of six domains to advance the field of genomics and improve human health.
… NHGRI's programs and projects support research in one of six domains to advance the field of genomics and improve human health. … $1000 Genome Program Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN) Genomics and Randomized Trials Network (GARNET) Genomics of …
Dr. Sara Chandros Hull is a co-deputy scientific director in the Office of the Scientific Director and the director of NHGRI's Bioethics Core.
… projects focus on secondary genomic research findings, informed consent and datasharing for research for genomic research, the role and limits of …
Training, Diversity and Health Equity Office (TiDHE)
The Diversity Centers for Genome Research Consortium aims to support the development of innovative genomic research projects through infrastructure building and the formation of interdisciplinary research teams at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), institutions with a documented record and/or historical and current mission of recruiting, educating, training and graduating students from any of the populations identified as underrepresented in biomedical research.
… The Diversity Centers for Genome Research Consortium aims to support the development of … Consortium are to carry out innovative, state-of-the-art genomics research studies; enhance institutional genomics …
Diversity Center
The Pacific Center for Genome Research (PCGR) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) aims to grow and support Genomic Research workforce at UHM, a Minority Serving Institution (MSI), which has a mission to serve historically underrepresented population in biomedical research, namely, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.
… The Pacific Center for Genome Research (PCGR) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) … and other Pacific Islanders.  … Foster excellence in genomics research and grow and support the genomics workforce …
Search for names, email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information of NHGRI staff.
… Search for names, email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information of staff at the National Human Genome Research Institute. … Staff Search … Search for names, email … staff at the National Human Genome Research Institute. ​ … Genomics Researchers, NIH Staff, National Institutes Of …