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NHGRI researchers recently published a study using virtual reality simulations to investigate how clinicians might use a type of genomic risk information called polygenic risk scores in medical care.
NHGRI is conducting three Zoom-based listening sessions to help gather information from the national medical genetics community regarding the current and future state of the medical geneticist workforce.
The Family Health History Group connects stakeholders, researchers, and thought leaders to share learning, understand barriers in depth, and discuss issues and potential solutions related to the collection of family health history information.
News Release
A study published NIH researchers revealed that about half of individuals who said they don’t want to receive secondary genomic findings changed their mind after their healthcare provider gave them more detailed information.
… support the video tag. Animation of patient filling out an informed consent form and checking the "YES" checkboxes for both …
News Release
National Institutes of Health researchers have discovered a specific network of proteins that is necessary to restore hearing in zebrafish through cell regeneration. The study may inform the development of treatments for hearing loss in humans.
Frequently asked questions related to the Informational Session on the Renewed ELSI Funding Opportunities: R01 (PAR-23-293), R21 (PAR-23-294), and R03 (PAR-23-295).
… new or additional information received that may impact informed consent, study design or implementation, or data collection.  …
News Release
NHGRI researchers are increasingly using artificial intelligence tools to answer compelling questions in genomics, such as predicting rare genetic disorders and their severity, and to understand how genomic information influences decision-making.
Search for names, email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information of NHGRI staff.
Dr. Laura Koehly is the chief of and senior investigator in the Social and Behavioral Research Branch at the National Human Genome Research Institute.​
The NHGRI Center for Precision Health Research sponsors a monthly series of talks by intramural and special guest speakers on research relevant to the use of genomic data and large-scale electronic health record information to improve health.