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… Oral-Facial-Digital Syndromes (OFDS) Research Study - …
… Oral-Facial-Digital Syndromes (OFDS) Research Study - Contact …
… Oral-Facial-Digital Syndromes (OFDS) Research Study - Study …
Dr. ​Eric D. Green is the Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health.
… Devaney S, and Somerman M: Precision health: bringing oral health into the context of overall health. Adv Dent Res …
… Oral-Facial-Digital Syndromes (OFDS) Research Study - General …
NHGRI Director
A selection of NHGRI Director Eric Green's recent interviews, speeches, awards and institute testimony.
… 8 9th AADR Fall Focused Symposium: Advances in Precision Oral Health Research Building 45, Natcher Conference Center, …
… of hepati- tis B surface antigen in transgenic plants for oral immunization. Similarly, a trial of a recombinant … neonatal screening programmes and the administration of oral penicillin has resulted in a marked reduction in the … at neonatal screening, and the availability of oral penicillin prophylaxis, would have a major effect on …
Research at NHGRI
A list of publications led by or in collaboration with the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health.
… genes in orofacial clefts in multi-ethnic populations. Oral Dis . 28(7):1921-1935. 2022. [ PubMed ]   Gowans LJJ, …