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Research Funding
A collaborative large-scale genome sequencing effort to identify rare risk and protective variants contributing to multiple common disease phenotypes.
… The Centers for Common Disease Genomics (CCDG) are a collaborative large-scale … genome sequencing effort to comprehensively identify rare risk and protective variants contributing to multiple common disease phenotypes. … The CCDG initiative explores a range of …
News Release
Research studies are now using polygenic risk scores to determine a person’s inherited risk for certain diseases, but there are inconsistencies in how these scores are calculated. NHGRI has published guidelines in Nature for how these scores should be reported.
… be used as a framework for publishing studies on polygenic risk scores. … Scientists and healthcare providers are … risk for diseases like Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and breast cancer, which involves calculating a … by NHGRI’s Clinical Genome Resource's (ClinGen) Complex Disease Working Group and the Polygenic Score Catalog (PGS), …
A polygenic risk score is one way by which people can learn what their risk of developing a disease is, based on the total number of genomics variants related to the disease.
… in diseases across different populations. A “ polygenic risk score ” is one way by which people can learn about their risk of developing a disease, based on the total number of changes related to the disease. … Researchers often divide genetic diseases into two …
News Release
NIH will fund grants totaling $38 million over five years to develop methods that will improve the way that polygenic risk scores can be used to predict disease in diverse communities.
… develop methods that will improve the way that polygenic risk scores can be used to predict disease in diverse communities. Polygenic risk scores, often … the genomic data of people with and without a particular disease. The National Human Genome Research Institute …
News Release
Six new grants will support researchers for new computational approaches to search millions of genomic variants for disease susceptibility.
… genomic variants to find those that make a difference in disease susceptibility or in other traits. The awards are for … the genomes of thousands of people with and without a disease are compared to find the genomic regions containing variants that affect disease risk. Although GWAS may find hundreds of variants that appear …
News Release
In a large-scale study of people from diverse ancestries, researchers narrowed down the number of genomic variants that are strongly associated with blood lipid levels and generated a polygenic risk score to predict elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, a major risk factor for heart disease.
… with blood lipid levels and generated a polygenic risk score to predict elevated low-density lipoprotein … cholesterol levels, a major risk factor for heart disease. The study, published in the journal Nature , was … understanding of the effects of genomic variation on disease, researchers urge the need to include as many diverse …
Educational Resources
Risk, in the context of genetics, refers to the probability that an individual will be affected by a particular genetic disorder.
… Risk … Risk, in the context of genetics, refers to the probability … Gene Environment Interaction, Inherited, Susceptibility … Risk, as related to genetics, refers to the probability that … person’s genome and environmental exposures can influence risk. An individual’s risk may be higher because they inherit …
News Release
Genomic variants that increase risk of kidney disease are found in nearly one-third of West Africans
A study from researchers at National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their collaborators revealed a significant genetic risk factor for kidney disease in people of West African ancestry.
… and their collaborators revealed a significant genetic risk factor for kidney disease in people from Ghana and Nigeria. Their study … can significantly increase the risk of developing kidney disease. APOL1 is important for the immune system and …
News Release
Researchers build a statistical model using family health history to improve disease risk assessment
Researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) have developed a new statistical model that can predict the risk for developing diseases by combining information about family member health and lifestyle factors from family members.
… developed a new statistical model that can predict the risk for developing diseases by combining information from … The researchers used type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) as the disease model for their study. An estimated 30 million people … chronic diseases to treat. T2D is known as a complex disease because its development depends strongly on a …
News Release
eMERGE Network will support multiple clinical sites and a coordinating center with $75 million over five years.
… Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Genomic Risk Assessment and Management Network, which establish … sites specifically focused on better understanding disease risk and susceptibility by combining genomic and … can be used to help clinicians and patients manage disease risk. About $61 million in total will be awarded over …