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News Release
Experts from The NHGRI Dog Genome Project turned to Reddit to answer questions as part of an "Ask Me Anything".
… Ph.D. … On November 2, 2017, experts from The NHGRI Dog Genome Project turned to Reddit - a social news website and … of an "Ask Me Anything" (AMA). … The goal of The NHGRI Dog Genome Project is to sequence the genomes of 10,000 dogs …
News Release
NIH researchers have sequenced the whole genome of a dog native to Sardinia, Italy, and discovered in it clues about the migration of humans to the area.
… of Health (NIH) researchers have sequenced the whole genome of a dog that is native to the mountains of Sardinia, Italy, and … of years. By sequencing the whole genome of a Fonni's Dog and comparing it to genetic data from 27 other dog …
News Release
An ancient, sexually transmitted dog cancer may provide insights into human cancers because of the similarities in the dog and human immune systems.
… Steven Benowitz … An ancient, sexually transmitted dog cancer - that may provide insights into human cancers because of the similarities in the dog and human immune systems - has baffled researchers until … the dog tumor genomes, researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National …
News Release
NHGRI's Dr. Elaine Ostrander and the Smithsonian's Dr. Dennis Stanford discover North America's oldest dog relics, important in canine genome research.
… remains and Folsom points, but the site also contained dog remains. The archeologists saved this trove of ancient effects, yet until only a few months ago, the dog bones remained untouched. Then, in the spring of 2014, … of diseases in dogs and humans. Her lecture, The Dog Genome: Shedding Light on Human Disease, was part of a series …
News Release
The finding marks a new effort in conserving an ancient dog breed, with potential to inform human vocalization processes.
… … The finding marks a new effort in conserving an ancient dog breed, with potential to inform human vocalization … and genomics to discover that the New Guinea singing dog, thought to be extinct for 50 years, still thrives. … study was performed by researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National …
News Release
A genetic mutation that triggers bladder cancer in dogs is identical to a mutation that is implicated in multiple human cancers.
… Program; Heidi Parker, Ph.D., of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI); and Elaine Ostrander, … 8 percent of all cancers. "Our findings suggest that the dog is once again on the cusp of a cancer therapy … Cancer Research paper. The mutation's prevalence in dog bladder cancers "sets the stage for the domestic dog to …
News Release
NHGRI researchers, collaborators at the University of California (UC) San Diego, UC Davis and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine lay out a new framework for comparing dog-to-human aging, one that uses epigenetics as a biological marker to better understand the aging process.
… common misconceptions is that one human year equals seven dog years in terms of aging. However, this equivalency is … Cell Systems , lays out a new framework for comparing dog-to-human aging. In one such comparison, the researchers … epigenetics, a process by which modifications occur in the genome, as a biological marker to study the aging process. By …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have generated the largest catalog of genetic variants associated with physical traits for domesticated dog breeds.
… … In 2019, 'King' the Wire Fox Terrier won the Westminster Dog Show in Madison Square Garden, having competed against 2,800 dogs from 203 breeds. The sheer number of dog breeds points toward the major role played by genetics in … In a new study, researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) have generated the largest …
News Release
NHGRI researchers have shown that areas of the genome related to brain development harbor variants that may account for behavioral differences among different dog lineages.
… of Health researchers have shown that areas of the genome related to brain development harbor variants that may account for behavioral differences among different dog lineages. The study , funded by the National Human Genome … projects that used DNA samples and surveys collected from dog owners around the world. The researchers found that the …
News Release
NHGRI researchers identified 59 genes or gene regions linked to canine athletics.
… and terriers are plucky supermodels. National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) researchers reached this … relatives, including wolves, foxes and jackals. An alert dog looks away while walking in shallow water. Image Credit: … Gregg. Dr. Kim and his colleagues, part of the NHGRI Dog Genome Project led by Elaine A. Ostrander , Ph.D., …