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News Release
A new method of targeting specific DNA sequences in zebrafish could accelerate the discovery of gene function and the identification of disease genes in humans.
… zebrafish could dramatically accelerate the discovery of gene function and the identification of disease genes in humans, … of Genome Research , the researchers reported that the gene-editing technology known as CRISPR/Cas9 is six times …
News Release
NIH has awarded grants of more than $28 million aimed at deciphering the language of how and when genes are turned on and off.
… Benowitz … The National Institutes of Health has awarded grants of more than $28 million aimed at deciphering the … awards emanate from the recently launched Genomics of Gene Regulation (GGR) program of the National Human Genome … disease." With these new grants, researchers will study gene networks and pathways in different systems in the body, …
Research Funding
Instructions for how to use NIH RePORTER to generate a list of active NHGRI grants.
… NHGRI active grants and projects, as well as all NIH-supported grants and projects, are available through the NIH RePORTER … explain how to use NIH RePORTER for a list of NHGRI Active Grants/Projects. These instructions will produce a list of …
Research Funding
A submitted grant application undergoes a two-step, peer-review process to determine its eligibility for funding.
… is received until the time a grant award can be made. Some grants and fellowships are reviewed and awarded on an … to determine its eligibility for funding. … Research Grants, Grant Application, Peer-review Process, Grant Award, …
News Release
NIH is launching a program, Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC), to better understand the function of every human gene and generate a catalog of the molecular and cellular consequences of inactivating each gene.
… of Health is launching a program to better understand the function of every human gene and generate a catalog of the molecular and cellular consequences of inactivating each gene. The Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells …
Research Funding
The Grants Administrations Branch is responsible for all business management aspects of NHGRI's grant and cooperative agreement programs. ​
… The Grants Administrations Branch is responsible for all business … close-out and final audit phases. … Branch Staff … Grants Administration Branch … The Grants Administrations Branch is responsible for all business …
News Release
Grants are awarded to GTEx project to explore human gene expression and regulation in different tissues, and how genomic variation modulates that expression.
… … The National Institutes of Health has awarded eight grants as part of the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) … plays in modulating that expression. … An Atlas of Human Gene Expression The GTEx awards will contribute to a resource … inherited spelling changes in the DNA code - may influence gene activity and lead to disease. The grants will add data …
Research Funding
NHGRI is initiating a new program-the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium to develop a framework for systematically understanding the effects of genomic variation on genome function and how these effects shape phenotypes.
… Center for Actionable Variant Analysis; measuring variant function at scale HG011969 Jesse Engreitz Thomas Quertermous … Duke University High-throughput functional annotation of gene regulatory elements and variants critical to complex … resource of functional elements, TF footprints and gene regulatory interactions HG011986 Ansuman Satpathy …
News Release
NIH recently awarded approximately $6.8 million in grants to several research teams to study the biology of rare and undiagnosed diseases.
… (NIH) recently awarded approximately $6.8 million in grants to several research teams to study the biology of rare … the potential disease-causing effects of approximately 200 gene variants per year that are thought to be involved in … to follow up on for more in-depth studies examining their function." Center investigators will receive approximately …
Research at NHGRI
The Translational and Functional Genomics Branch explores the genetic, epigenetic and metagenomic basis of human disorders.
… Genomics Branch (TFGB) studies how genome structure and function contribute to health by exploring the genetic, …