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Genetic Disorders
Autism is characterized by impaired social interactions, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors.
… Autism represents a broad group of developmental disorders … by impaired social interactions, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors or … been identified. Researchers have identified a number of genes associated with autism. Studies of people with autism …
Educational Resources
Autism is a developmental brain disorder characterized by impaired social interactions, communication problems, and repetitive behaviors.
… Autism … Autism is a developmental brain disorder … by impaired social interactions, communication problems, and repetitive behaviors. … Autism Spectrum Disorders, … that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. Symptoms usually appear before the …
Media Availability
New research provides a better understanding of some of the genetic and cellular changes in pathways and processes involved in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
… researchers have used DNA sequencing to uncover dozens of genes that heighten the risk for autism. Joseph Buxbaum, Ph.D., Icahn School of Medicine at … York City, Mark Daly, Ph.D., Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, and their colleagues examined more than 14,000 DNA …
Educational Resources
Gene regulation is the process of turning genes on and off.
… Gene Regulation … Gene regulation is the process of turning genes on and off. … Gene Expression, Genes, DNA, Transcription Factors … Gene regulation is the …
Educational Resources
The gene is the basic physical unit of inheritance.
… … The gene is considered the basic unit of inheritance. Genes are passed from parents to offspring and contain the information needed to specify physical and biological traits. Most genes code for specific proteins, or segments of proteins, …
Educational Resources
A candidate gene is a gene whose chromosomal location is associated with a particular disease or other phenotype.
… associated with a particular disease or other phenotype. … Genes, Chromosome, Phenotype, Traits, Disease, Linkage …
News Release
NIH and Inova Health are launching The Genomic Ascertainment Cohort, a pilot project that will examine gene and gene variant influence on phenotypes.
… Mjoseth … Databases such as the 1000 Genomes Project and the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) harbor large numbers of genotypes (an individual's collection of genes). Until now, it has been difficult for researchers to … interest and investigate the health consequences of their genes and gene variants. … Reversing a Long-Standing Paradigm …
Educational Resources
Gene environment interaction is an influence on the expression of a trait that results from the interplay between genes and the environment.
… of a trait that results from the interplay between genes and the environment. … Genes, Environmental Factors, Genetics, DNA … …
Educational Resources
A gene pool is the total genetic diversity found within a population or a species.
… within a population or a species. … Genetic Diversity, Genes, Extinction, Population Genetics … A gene pool refers to the combination of all the genes (including alleles) present in a reproducing population … species. A large gene pool has extensive genomic diversity and is better able to withstand environmental challenges. …
Clinical Research
GENE-FORECAST® is developing a community cohort and resource for defining the significance of ancestry-related genomic variation in African-Americans.
… The Genomics, Environmental Factors and the Social Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease in … study is developing a community-based cohort and novel genomic science resource for defining the … by improving our knowledge of the relationship between genes, social factors, the environment and cardiovascular …