Daniel N. Shriner, Ph.D.
Center For Research On Genomics and Global Health
B.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 1995
Ph.D., University of Washington, 2003
Dr. Shriner received his Bachelor's (summa cum laude) from the Department of Microbiology at the University of Maryland, College Park in 1995, with an interest in pathogenic microbiology. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Microbiology at the University of Washington, Seattle, in 2003. Under the supervision of Dr. James Mullins, Dr. Shriner studied the population genetics of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, focusing on recombination and metapopulation dynamics. Also at the University of Washington, he studied viral mutation and migration rates under the supervision of Dr. John Mittler.
Dr. Shriner joined the Department of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2005. Under the supervision of Drs. David Allison and Nengjun Yi in the Section on Statistical Genetics in the Department of Biostatistics, Dr. Shriner focused on Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods as applied to mapping quantitative trait loci for obesity in model organisms. He contributed code to the R package qtlbim (www.qtlbim.org) for Bayesian model selection using the deviance information criterion, and for posterior inference by jointly maximizing positive and negative predictive values.
In 2008, Dr. Shriner joined the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health within the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health. Methodological research includes the development of methods for multivariable analysis of genome-wide association data as well as investigation into global patterns of human genetic variation. Applied research includes mapping genetic variants that influence obesity and anthropometric traits (such as waist circumference and waist/hip ratio) as well as mapping genetic variants that influence the risk of developing Alzheimer or Parkinson disease, the two most common neurodegenerative diseases.
Dr. Shriner received his Bachelor's (summa cum laude) from the Department of Microbiology at the University of Maryland, College Park in 1995, with an interest in pathogenic microbiology. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Microbiology at the University of Washington, Seattle, in 2003. Under the supervision of Dr. James Mullins, Dr. Shriner studied the population genetics of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, focusing on recombination and metapopulation dynamics. Also at the University of Washington, he studied viral mutation and migration rates under the supervision of Dr. John Mittler.
Dr. Shriner joined the Department of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2005. Under the supervision of Drs. David Allison and Nengjun Yi in the Section on Statistical Genetics in the Department of Biostatistics, Dr. Shriner focused on Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods as applied to mapping quantitative trait loci for obesity in model organisms. He contributed code to the R package qtlbim (www.qtlbim.org) for Bayesian model selection using the deviance information criterion, and for posterior inference by jointly maximizing positive and negative predictive values.
In 2008, Dr. Shriner joined the Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health within the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health. Methodological research includes the development of methods for multivariable analysis of genome-wide association data as well as investigation into global patterns of human genetic variation. Applied research includes mapping genetic variants that influence obesity and anthropometric traits (such as waist circumference and waist/hip ratio) as well as mapping genetic variants that influence the risk of developing Alzheimer or Parkinson disease, the two most common neurodegenerative diseases.
DeStefano, J. J., Roberts, B., and Shriner, D. 1997. The mechanism of retroviral recombination: the role of sequences proximal to the point of strand transfer. Arch. Virol.142(9): 1797–1812.
Liu, S.-L., Schacker, T., Musey, L., Shriner, D., McElrath, M. J., Corey, L., and Mullins, J. I. 1997. Divergent patterns of progression to AIDS after infection from the same source: human immunodeficiency virus type 1 evolution and antiviral responses. J. Virol. 71(6): 4284–4295. PMCID: PMC191644.
Liu, S.-L., Mittler, J. E., Nickle, D. C., Mulvania, T. M., Shriner, D., Rodrigo, A. G., Kosloff, B., He, X., Corey, L., and Mullins, J. I. 2002. Selection for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 recombinants in a patient with rapid progression to AIDS.J. Virol. 76(21): 10674–10684. PMCID: PMC136598.
Nickle, D. C., Jensen, M. A., Gottlieb, G. S., Shriner, D., Learn, G. H., Rodrigo, A. G., and Mullins, J. I. 2003. Consensus and ancestral state HIV vaccines. Science.299(5612): 1515–1517.
Shriner, D., Nickle, D. C., Jensen, M. A., and Mullins, J. I. 2003. Potential impact of recombination on sitewise approaches for detecting positive natural selection.Genet. Res. 81(2): 115–121.
Nickle, D. C., Shriner, D., Mittler, J. E., Frenkel, L. M., and Mullins, J. I. 2003. Importance and detection of virus reservoirs and compartments of HIV infection. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 6(4): 410–416.
Nickle, D. C., Jensen, M. A., Shriner, D., Brodie, S. J., Frenkel, L. M., Mittler, J. E., and Mullins, J. I. 2003. Evolutionary indicators of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reservoirs and compartments. J. Virol. 77(9): 5540–5546. PMCID: PMC153940.
Jensen, M. A., Li, F.-S., van ’t Wout, A. B., Nickle, D. C., Shriner, D., He, H. X., McLaughlin, S., Shankarappa, R., Margolick, J. B., and Mullins, J. I. 2003. Improved coreceptor usage prediction and genotypic monitoring of R5-to-X4 transition by motif analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 env V3 loop sequences. J. Virol.77(24): 13376–13388. PMCID: PMC296044.
Shriner, D., Shankarappa, R., Jensen, M. A., Nickle, D. C., Mittler, J. E., Margolick, J. B., and Mullins, J. I. 2004. Influence of random genetic drift on HIV-1 envevolution during chronic infection. Genetics 166(3): 1155–1164. PMCID: PMC1470792.
Shriner, D., Rodrigo, A. G., Nickle, D. C., and Mullins, J. I. 2004. Pervasive genomic recombination of HIV-1 in vivo. Genetics 167(4): 1573–1583. PMCID: PMC1470992.
Liu, Y., Nickle, D. C., Shriner, D., Jensen, M. A., Learn, G. H., Jr., Mittler, J. E., and Mullins, J. I. 2004. Molecular clock-like evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Virology 329(1): 101-108.
Shriner, D., Liu, Y., Nickle, D. C., and Mullins, J. I. 2006. Evolution of intrahost HIV-1 genetic diversity during chronic infection. Evolution 60(6): 1165–1176.
Liu, Y., McNevin, J., Cao, J., Zhao, H., Genowati, I., Wong, K., McLaughlin, S., McSweyn, M. D., Diem, K., Stevens, C. E., Maenza, J., He, H., Nickle, D. C., Shriner,D., Holte, S. E., Collier, A. C., Corey, L., McElrath, M. J., and Mullins, J. I. 2006. Selection on the HIV-1 proteome following primary infection. J. Virol. 80(19): 9519– 9529. PMCID: PMC1617227.
Musani, S. K., Shriner, D., Liu, N., Feng, R., Coffey, C. S., Yi, N., Tiwari, H. K., and Allison, D. B. 2007. Detection of gene × gene interactions in genome-wide association studies of human population data. Hum. Hered. 63(2): 67–84.
Yandell, B. S., Mehta, T., Banerjee, S., Shriner, D., Venkataraman, R., Moon, J. Y., Neely, W. W., Wu, H., von Smith, R., and Yi, N. 2007. R/qtlbim: QTL with Bayesian interval mapping in experimental crosses. Bioinformatics 23(5): 641–643.
Yi, N., Shriner, D., Banerjee, S., Mehta, T., Pomp, D., and Yandell, B. S. 2007. An efficient Bayesian model selection approach for interacting QTL models with many effects. Genetics 176: 1865–1877. PMCID: PMC1931520.
Shriner, D., Vaughan, L. K., Padilla, M. A., and Tiwari, H. K. 2007. Problems with Genome-Wide Association Studies [Letter to the Editor]. Science 316(5833): 1840– 1841.
Liu, Y., McNevin, J., Zhao, H., Tebit, D. M., Troyer, R. M., McSweyn, M., Ghosh, A. K., Shriner, D., Arts, E. J., McElrath, M. J., and Mullins, J. I. 2007. Evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes: fitness- balanced escape. J. Virol. 81(22):12179–12188. PMCID: PMC2169017.
Yi, N., and Shriner, D. 2008. Advances in Bayesian multiple QTL mapping in experimental crosses. Heredity 100(3):240–252.
Shriner, D., Baye, T. M., Padilla, M. A., Zhang, S., Vaughan, L. K., and Loraine, A. E. 2008. Commonality of Functional Annotation: a method for prioritization of candidate genes from genome-wide linkage studies. Nucleic Acids Res. 36(4):e26. PMCID: PMC2275105.
Shriner, D. 2008. Putting Materials and Methods in Their Place [Letter to the Editor]. Science 322(5907):1463.
Ankra-Badu, G. A., Pomp, D., Shriner, D., Allison, D. B., and Yi, N. 2009. Genetic influences on growth and body composition in mice: multilocus interactions. Int. J. Obes. 33(1):89–95. PMCID: PMC3206648.
Shriner, D., and Yi, N. 2009. Deviance information criterion (DIC) in Bayesian multiple QTL mapping. Comput. Stat. Data An. 53(5):1850–1860. PMCID: PMC2682718.
Shriner, D. 2009. Mapping multiple quantitative trait loci under Bayes error control. Genet. Res. 91(3):147–159. PMCID: PMC3205938.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., Gerry, N. P., Herbert, A., Chen, G., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Christman, M. F., and Rotimi, C. N. 2009. Transferability and fine- mapping of genome-wide associated loci for adult height across human populations.PLoS ONE 4(12):e8398. PMCID: PMC2792725.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., Chen, G., and Rotimi, C. N. 2010. Practical considerations for imputation of untyped markers in admixed populations. Genet. Epidemiol. 34(3):258–265. PMCID: PMC2912698.
Ankra-Badu, G. A., Shriner, D., Le Bihan-Duval, E., Mignon-Grasteau, S., Pitel, F., Beaumont, C., Duclos, M. J., Simon, J., Porter, T. E., Vignal, A., Cogburn, L. A., Allison, D. B., Yi, N., and Aggrey, S. E. 2010. Mapping main, epistatic and sex-specific QTL for body composition in a chicken population divergently selected for low or high growth rate. BMC Genomics 11:107. PMCID: PMC2830984.
Meilleur, K. G., Traoré, M., Sangaré, M., Britton, A., Landouré, G., Coulibaly, S., Niaré, B., Mochel, F., La Pean, A., Rafferty, I., Watts, C., Shriner, D., Littleton- Kearney, M. T., Blackstone, C., Singleton, A., and Fischbeck, K.H. 2010. Hereditary spastic paraplegia and amyotrophy associated with a novel locus on chromosome 19.Neurogenetics 11(3):313–318.
Adeyemo, A., Chen, G., Zhou, J., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., and Rotimi, C. 2010. FTO genetic variation and association with obesity in West Africans and African-Americans. Diabetes 59(6):1549–1554. PMCID: PMC2874717.
Kang, S. J., Chiang, C. W. K., Palmer, C. D., Tayo, B. O., Lettre, G., Butler, J. L., Hackett, R., Adeyemo, A. A., Guiducci, C., Berzins, I., Nguyen, T. T., Feng, T., Luke, A., Shriner, D., Ardlie, K., Rotimi, C., Wilks, R., Forrester, T., McKenzie, C. A., Lyon, H. N., Cooper, R. S., Zhu, X., and Hirschhorn, J. N. 2010. Genome wide association of anthropometric traits in African and African derived populations. Hum. Mol. Genet.19(13):2725–2738. PMCID: PMC2883343.
Chen, G., Shriner, D., Zhou, J., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Gerry, N. P., Herbert, A., Christman, M. F., Chen, Y., Dunston, G. M., Faruque, M. U., Rotimi, C. N., and Adeyemo, A. 2010. Development of admixture mapping panels for African Americans from commercial high-density SNP arrays. BMC Genomics 11:417. PMCID: PMC2996945.
Meilleur, K. G., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Charles, B., Chen, G., Zhou, J.,Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. 2010. Circulating adiponectin is associated with obesity and serum lipids in West Africans. J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab. 95(7):3517– 3521. PMCID: PMC2928908.
Ramos, E., Chen, G., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A., Gerry, N. P., Herbert, A., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Christman, M. F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. 2011. Replication of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) loci for fasting plasma glucose in African- Americans. Diabetologia 54(4):783–788. PMCID: PMC3052446.
Shriner, D., and Vaughan, L. K. 2011. A unified framework for multi-locus association analysis of both common and rare variants. BMC Genomics 12:89. PMCID: PMC3040731.
Charles, B. A., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A., Chen, G., Zhou, J., Huang, H., Herbert, A., Gerry, N. P., Christman, M. F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2011. A genome-wide association study of serum uric acid in African Americans. BMC Med. Genomics 4:17. PMCID: PMC3045279.
Fox, E. R., Young, J. H., Li, Y., Dreisbach, A. W., Keating, B. J., Musani, S. K., Liu, K., Morrison, A. C., Ganesh, S., Kutlar, A., Ramachandran, V. S., Polak, J. F., Fabsitz, R. R., Dries, D. L., Farlow, D. N., Redline, S., Adeyemo, A., Hirschhorn, J. N., Sun, Y. V., Wyatt, S. B., Penman, A. D., Palmas, W., Rotter, J. I., Townsend, R. R., Doumatey, A. P., Tayo, B. O., Mosley, T. H. Jr., Lyon, H. N., Kang, S. J., Rotimi, C. N., Cooper, R. S., Franceschini, N., Curb, J. D., Martin, L. W., Eaton, C. B., Kardia, S. L. R., Taylor, H. A., Caulfield, M. J., Ehret, G. B., Johnson, T., The International Consortium for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies, Chakravarti, A., Zhu, X., and Levy, D. 2011. Association of genetic variation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure among African Americans: the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) Study.Hum. Mol. Genet. 20(11):2273–2284. PMCID: PMC3090190.
Jiao, Y., Jiao, F., Yan, J., Xiong, Q., Shriner, D., Hasty, K., Stuart, J., and Gu, W. 2011. Identifying a major locus that regulates spontaneous arthritis in IL-1ra-deficient mice and analysis of potential candidates. Genet. Res., 93(2):95–103. PMCID: PMC3245888.
Shriner, D. 2011. Investigating population structure and admixture using eigenanalysis of dense genotypes. Heredity, 107(5):413–420. PMCID: PMC3128175.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., Ramos, E., Chen, G., and Rotimi, C. N. 2011. Mapping of disease-associated variants in admixed populations. Genome Biol. 12: 223. PMCID: PMC3219963.
Tin, A., Woodward, O. M., Kao, W. H. L., Liu, C.-T., Lu, X., Nalls, M. A.,Shriner, D., Semmo, M., Akylbekova, E. L., Wyatt, S. B., Hwang, S.-J., Yang, Q., Zonderman, A. B., Adeyemo, A. A., Palmer, C., Meng, Y., Reilly, M. P., Shlipak, M. G., Siscovick, D., Evans, M. K., Rotimi, C. N., Flessner, M. F., Köttgen, M., Cupples, L. A., Fox, C. S., Köttgen, A., on behalf of the CARe and CHARGE Consortia. 2011. Genome- wide association study for serum urate concentrations and gout among African Americans identifies genomic risk loci and a novel URAT1 loss-of-function allele. Hum.Mol. Genet., 20(20):4056–4068. PMCID: PMC3177647.
The International Consortium for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies. 2011. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk. Nature, 478(7367):103–109. PMCID: PMC3340926.
Shriner, D. 2011. Approximate and exact tests of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium using uncertain genotypes. Genet. Epidemiol., 35(7):632–637. PMCID: PMC4141651.
Liu, C.-T., Garnaas, M. K., Tin, A., Kottgen, A., Franceschini, N., Peralta, C. A., de Boer, I. H., Lu, X., Atkinson, E., Ding, J., Nalls, M., Shriner, D., Coresh, J., Kutlar, A., Bibbins-Domingo, K., Siscovick, D., Akylbekova, E., Wyatt, S., Astor, B., Mychaleckjy, J., Li, M., Reilly, M. P., Townsend, R. R., Adeyemo, A., Zonderman, A. B., de Andrade, M., Turner, S. T., Mosley, T. H., Harris, T. B., The CKDGen Consortium, Rotimi, C. N., Liu, Y., Kardia, S. L. R., Evans, M. K., Shlipak, M. G., Kramer, H., Flessner, M. F., Dreisbach, A. W., Goessling, W., Cupples, L. A., Kao, W. L., and Fox, C. S. 2011. Genetic association for renal traits among participants of African ancestry reveals new loci for renal function. PLoS Genet., 7(9):e1002264. PMCID: PMC3169523.
Charles, B. A., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Chen, G., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2011. The roles of IL-6, IL-10, and IL-1RA in obesity and insulin resistance in African Americans. J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab., 96(12):E2018– E2022. PMCID: PMC3232609.
Chambers, J. C., Zhang, W., Sehmi, J., Li, X., Wass, M. N., Van der Harst, P., Holm, H., Sanna, S., Kavousi, M., Baumeister, S. E., Coin, L. J., Deng, G., Gieger, C., Heard-Costa, N. L., Hottenga, J.-J., Kühnel, B., Kumar, V., Lagou, V., Liang, L., Luan, J., Vidal, P. M., Mateo Leach, I., O'Reilly, P. F., Peden, J. F., Rahmioglu, N., Soininen, P., Speliotes, E. K., Yuan, X., Thorleifsson, G., Alizadeh, B. Z., Atwood, L. D., Borecki, I. B., Brown, M. J., Charoen, P., Cucca, F., Das, D., de Geus, E. J. C., Dixon ,A. L., Döring, A., Ehret, G., Eyjolfsson, G. I., Farrall, M., Forouhi, N. G., Friedrich, N., Goessling, W., Gudbjartsson, D. F., Harris, T. B., Hartikainen, A.-L., Heath, S., Hirschfield, G. M., Hofman, A., Homuth, G., Hyppönen, E., Janssen, H. L. A., Johnson, T., Kangas, A. J., Kema, I. P., Kühn, J. P., Lai, S., Lathrop, M., Lerch, M. M., Li, Y., Liang, T. J., Lin, J.-P., Loos, R. J., Martin, N. G., Moffatt, M. F., Montgomery, G. W., Munroe, P. B., Musunuru, K., Nakamura, Y., O'Donnell, C. J., Olafsson, I., Penninx, B. W., Pouta, A., Prins, B. P., Prokopenko, I., Puls, R., Ruokonen, A., Savolainen, M. J., Schlessinger, D., Schouten, J. N. L., Seedorf, U., Sen-Chowdhry, S., Siminovitch, K. A., Smit, J. H., Spector, T. D., Tan, W., Teslovich, T. M., Tukiainen, T., Uitterlinden, A. G., Van der Klauw, M. M., Vasan, R. S., Wallace, C., Wallaschofski, H., Wichmann, H.-E., Willemsen, G., Würtz, P., Xu, C., Yerges-Armstrong, L. M., Alcohol Genome-wide Association (AlcGen) Consortium, Diabetes Genetics Replication and Meta-analyses (DIAGRAM+) Study, Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits (GIANT) Consortium, Global Lipids Genetics Consortium, Genetics of Liver Disease (GOLD) Consortium, International Consortium for Blood Pressure (ICBP-GWAS), Meta-analyses of Glucose and Insulin-Related Traits Consortium (MAGIC), Abecasis, G. R., Ahmadi, K. R., Boomsma, D. I., Caulfield, M., Cookson, W. O., van Duijn, C. M., Froguel, P., Matsuda, K., McCarthy, M. I., Meisinger, C., Mooser, V., Pietiläinen, K. H., Schumann, G., Snieder, H., Sternberg, M. J. E., Stolk, R. P., Thomas, H. C., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Uda, M., Waeber, G., Wareham, N. J., Waterworth, D. M., Watkins, H., Whitfield, J. B., Witteman, J. C. M., Wolffenbuttel, B. H. R., Fox, C. S., Ala-Korpela, M., Stefansson, K., Vollenweider, P., Völzke, H., Schadt, E. E., Scott, J., Järvelin, M.-R., Elliott, P., and Kooner, J. S. 2011. Genome-wide association study identifies loci influencing concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma. Nat. Genet., 43(11):1131–1138. PMCID: PMC3482372.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2011. Joint ancestry and association testing in admixed individuals. PLoS Comput. Biol., 7(12):e1002325. PMCID: PMC3245293
Palmer, N. D., McDonough, C. W., Hicks, P. J., Roh, B. H., Wing, M. R., An, S. S., Hester, J. M., Cooke, J. N., Bostrom, M. A., Rudock, M. E., Talbert, M. E., Lewis, J. P., DIAGRAM Consortium, MAGIC Investigators, Ferrara, A., Lu, L., Ziegler, J. T., Sale, M. M., Divers, J., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., Rotimi, C. N., Ng, M. C. Y., Langefeld, C. D., Freedman, B. I., and Bowden, D. W. 2012. A genome-wide association search for type 2 diabetes genes in African Americans. PLoS ONE, 7(1):e29202. PMCID: PMC3251563.
Shriner, D. 2012. Moving towards systems genetics through multiple trait analysis in genome-wide association studies. Front. Gene., 3:1. PMCID: PMC3266611. 49. Shriner, D. 2012. Improved eigenanalysis of discrete subpopulations and admixture using the minimum average partial test. Hum. Hered., 73:73–83. PMCID: PMC3370671.
Chen, G., Ramos, E., Adeyemo, A., Shriner, D., Zhou, J., Doumatey, A. P., Huang, H., Erdos, M. R., Gerry, N. P., Herbert, A., Bentley, A. R., Xu, H., Charles, B. A., Christman, M. F., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. UGT1A1 is a major locus influencing bilirubin levels in African Americans. Eur. J. Hum. Genet., 20(4):463–468. PMCID: PMC3306855.
Ayele, F. T., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Charles, B., Erdos, M., Adeleye, J., Balogun, W., Fasanmade, O., Johnson, T., Oli, J., Okafor, G., Amoah, A., Eghan, B. A., Jr., Agyenim-Boateng, K., Acheampong, J., Adebamowo, C. A., Herbert, A., Gerry, N., Christman, M., Chen, G., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Genome-wide associated loci influencing interleukin (IL)-10, IL-1Ra, and IL-6 levels in African Americans. Immunogenetics, 64(5):351–359. PMCID: PMC3418332. 52. Doumatey, A. P., Chen, G., Ayele, F. T., Zhou, J., Erdos, M., Shriner, D., Huang, H., Adeleye, J., Balogun, W., Fasanmade, O., Johnson, T., Oli, J., Okafor, G., Amoah, A., Eghan, B. A., Agyenim-Boateng, K., Acheampong, J., Adebamowo, C., Gerry, N. P., Christman, M. F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. C-reactive protein promoter polymorphisms influence circulating CRP levels in a genome-wide association study of African Americans. Hum. Mol. Genet., 21(13):3063–3072. PMCID: PMC3373247.
Bentley, A. R., Doumatey, A. P., Chen , G., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Shriner, D., Jiang, C.-Q., Zhang, Z., Liu, G., Fasanmade, O., Johnson, T., Oli, J. M., Okafor, G., Eghan, B. Jr., Agyenim-Boateng, K., Adeleye, J., Balogun, W., Adebamowo, C., Acheampong, J., Amoah, A., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Variation in APOL1contributes to ancestry-level differences in HDLc-kidney function association. Int. J.Nephrol., 2012:article 748984. PMCID: PMC3438781.
Chen, G., Bentley, A., Adeyemo, A., Shriner, D., Zhou, J., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Ramos, E., Erdos, M., Gerry, N., Herbert, A., Christman, M., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Genome-wide association study identifies novel loci association with fasting insulin and insulin resistance in African Americans. Hum. Mol. Genet., 21(20):4530– 4536. PMCID: PMC3459464.
Liu, C.-T., Ng, M. C. Y., Rybin, D., Adeyemo, A., Bielinski, S. J., Boerwinkle, E., Borecki, I., Cade, B., Chen, Y. D. I., Djousse, L., Fornage, M., Goodarzi, M. O., Grant, S. F. A., Guo, X., Harris, T., Kabagambe, E., Kizer, J. R., Liu, Y., Lunetta, K. L., Mukamal, K., Nettleton, J. A., Pankow, J. S., Patel, S. R., Ramos, E., Rasmussen-Torvik, L., Rich, S. S., Rotimi, C. N., Sarpong, D., Shriner, D., Sims, M., Zmuda, J. M., Redline, S., Kao, W. H., Siscovick, D., Florez, J. C., Rotter, J. I., Dupuis, J., Wilson, J. G., Bowden, D. W., and Meigs, J. B. 2012. Transferability and fine-mapping of glucose and insulin quantitative trait loci across populations: CARe, the Candidate Gene Association Resource. Diabetologia, 55(11):2970–2984. PMCID: PMC3804308.
Chen, G., Yuan, A., Zhou, Y., Bentley, A. R., Zhou, J., Chen, W., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Simultaneous analysis of common and rare variants in complex traits: application to SNPs (SCARVAsnp). Bioinform. Biol. Insights,6:177–185. PMCID: PMC3418150.
Shriner, D., Herbert, A., Doumatey, A. P., Zhou, J., Huang, H., Erdos, M. R., Chen, G., Gerry, N. P., Christman, M. F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Multiple loci associated with renal function in African Americans. PLoS ONE, 7(9):e45112. PMCID: PMC3441677.
58. Adeyemo, A., Bentley, A. R., Meilleur, K. G., Doumatey, A. P., Chen , G., Zhou, J., Shriner, D., Huang, H., Herbert, A., Gerry, N. P., Christman, M. F., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Transferability and fine mapping of genome-wide associated loci for lipids in African Americans. BMC Med. Genet., 13(1):88. PMCID: PMC3573912.
Shriner, D. 2013. Overview of admixture mapping. Curr. Protoc. Hum. Genet.,76:1.23.1–1.23.8. PMCID: PMC3556814.
Monda, K. L., Chen, G. K., Taylor, K. C., Palmer, C., Edwards, T. L., Lange, L. A., Ng, M. C. Y., Adeyemo, A. A., Allison, M. A., Bielak, L. F., Chen, G., Graff, M., Irvin, M. R., Rhie, S. K., Li, G., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Lu, Y., Nalls, M. A., Sun, Y. V., Wojczynski, M. K., Yanek, L. R., Aldrich, M. C., Ademola, A., Amos, C. I., Bandera, E. V., Bock, C. H., Britton, A., Broeckel, U., Cai, Q., Caporaso, N. E., Carlson, C. S., Carpten, J., Casey, G., Chen, W.-M., Chen, F., Chen, Y.-D. I., Chiang, C. W. K., Coetzee, G. A., Demerath, E., Deming-Halverson, S. L., Driver, R. W., Dubbert, P., Feitosa, M. F., Feng, Y., Freedman, B. I., Gillanders, E. M., Gottesman, O., Guo, X., Haritunians, T., Harris, T., Harris, C. C., Hennis, A. J. M., Hernandez, D. G., McNeill, L. H., Howard, T. D., Howard, B. V., Howard, V. J., Johnson, K. C., Kang, S. J., Keating, B. J., Kolb, S., Kuller, L. H., Kutlar, A., Langefeld, C. D., Lettre, G., Lohman, K., Lotay, V., Lyon, H., Manson, J. E., Maixner, W., Meng, Y. A., Monroe, K. R., Morhason-Bello, I., Murphy, A. B., Mychaleckyj, J. C., Nadukuru, R., Nathanson, K. L., Nayak, U., N'diaye, A., Nemesure, B., Wu, S.-Y., Leske, M. C., Neslund-Dudas, C., Neuhouser, M., Nyante, S., Ochs-Balcom, H., Ogunniyi, A., Ogundiran, T. O., Ojengbede, O., Olopade, O. I., Palmer, J. R., Ruiz-Narvaez, E. A., Palmer, N. D., Press, M. F., Rampersaud, E., Rasmussen-Torvik, L. J., Rodriguez-Gil, J. L., Salako, B., Schadt, E. E., Schwartz, A. G.,Shriner, D. A., Siscovick, D., Smith, S. B., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., Speliotes, E. K., Spitz, M. R., Sucheston, L., Taylor, H., Tayo, B. O., Tucker, M. A., Van Den Berg, D. J., Edwards, D. R., Wang, Z., Wiencke, J. K., Winkler, T. W., Witte, J. S., Wrensch, M., Wu, X., Yang, J. J., Levin, A. M., Young, T. R., Zakai, N. A., Cushman, M., Zanetti, K. A., Zhao, J. H., Zhao, W., Zheng, Y., Zhou, J., Ziegler, R. G., Zmuda, J.M., Fernandes, J. K., Gilkeson, G. S., Kamen, D. L., Hunt, K. J., Spruill, I. J., Ambrosone, C. B., Ambs, S., Arnett, D. K., Atwood, L., Becker, D. M., Berndt, S. I., Bernstein, L., Blot, W. J., Borecki, I. B., Bottinger, E. P., Bowden, D. W., Burke, G., Chanock, S. J., Cooper, R. S., Ding, J., Duggan, D., Evans, M. K., Fox, C., Garvey, W. T., Bradfield, J. P., Hakonarson, H., Grant, S. F. A., Hsing, A., Chu, L., Hu, J. J., Huo, D., Ingles, S. A., John, E. M., Jordan, J. M., Kabagambe, E. K., Kardia, S. L. R., Kittles, R. A., Goodman, P. J., Klein, E. A., Kolonel, L. N., Le Marchand, L., Liu, S., McKnight, B., Millikan, R. C., Mosley, T. H., Padhukasahasram, B., Williams, L. K., Patel, S. R., Peters, U., Pettaway, C. A., Peyser, P. A., Psaty, B. M., Redline, S., Rotimi, C. N., Rybicki, B. A., Sale, M. M., Schreiner, P. J., Signorello, L. B., Singleton, A. B., Stanford, J. L., Strom, S. S., Thun, M. J., Vitolins, M., Zheng, W., Moore, J. H., Williams, S. M., Ketkar, S., Zhu, X., Zonderman, A. B., NABEC Consortium, UKBEC Consortium, BioBank Japan Project, AGEN Consortium, Kooperberg, C., Papanicolaou, G. J., Henderson, B. E., Reiner, A. P., Hirschhorn, J. N., Loos, R. J., North, K. E., and Haiman, C. A. 2013. A meta-analysis identifies new loci associated with body mass index in individuals of African ancestry.Nat. Genet., 45(6):690–696. PMCID: PMC3694490.
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Ramos, E., Doumatey, A., Elkahloun, A. G., Shriner, D., Huang, H., Chen, G., Zhou, J., McLeod, H., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2013. Pharmacogenomics, ancestry and clinical decision making for global populations. Pharmacogenomics J.,14(3):217–222.
Shriner, D. 2013. Impact of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium on post-imputation quality control. Hum. Genet., 132(9):1073–1075.
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Franceschini, N., Fox, E., Zhang, Z., Edwards, T. L., Nalls, M. A., Sung, Y. J., Tayo, B. O., Sun, Y. V., Gottesman, O., Adeyemo, A., Johnson, A. D., Young, J. H., Rice, K., Duan, Q., Chen, F., Li, Y., Tang, H., Fornage, M., Keene, K. L., Andrews, J. S., Smith, J. A., Faul, J. D., Guangfa, Z., Guo, W., Liu, Y., Murray, S. S., Musani, S. K., Srinivasan, S., Velez Edwards, D. R., Wang, H., Becker, L. C., Bovet, P., Bochud, M., Broeckel, U., Burnier, M., Carty, C., Chasman, D. I., Ehret, G., Chen, W.-M., Chen, G., Chen, W., Ding, J., Dreisbach, A. W., Evans, M. K., Guo, X., Garcia, M. E., Jensen, R., Keller, M. F., Lettre, G., Lotay, V., Martin, L. W., Moore, J. H., Morrison, A. C., Mosley, T. H., Ogunniyi, A., Palmas, W., Papanicolaou, G., Penman, A., Polak, J. F., Ridker, P. M., Salako, B., Singleton, A. B., Shriner, D., Taylor, K. D., Vasan, R., Wiggins, K., Williams, S. M., Yanek, L. R., Zhao, W., Zonderman, A. B., Becker, D. M., Berenson, G., Boerwinkle, E., Bottinger, E., Cushman, M., Eaton, C., Nyberg, F., Heiss, G., Hirschhorn, J. N., Howard, V. J., Karczewsk, K. J., Lanktree, M. B., Liu, K., Liu, Y., Loos, R., Margolis, K., Snyder, M., the Asian Genetic Epidemiology Network Consortium, Psaty, B. M., Schork, N. J., Weir, D. R., Rotimi, C. N., Sale, M. M., Harris, T., Kardia, S. L. R., Hunt, S. C., Arnett, D., Redline, S., Cooper, R. S., Risch, N. J., Rao, D. C., Rotter, J. I., Chakravarti, A., Reiner, A. P., Levy, D., Keating, B. J., and Zhu, X. 2013. Genome-wide association analysis of blood-pressure traits in African-ancestry individuals reveals common associated genes in African and non-African populations.Am. J. Hum. Genet. 93(5):545–554. PMCID: PMC3769920.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2014. Reconciling clinical importance and statistical significance. Eur. J. Hum. Genet., 22(2):158–159. PMCID: PMC3895630.
Charles, B. A., Shriner, D., and Rotimi, C. N. 2014. Accounting for linkage disequilibrium in association analysis of diverse populations. Genet. Epidemiol.,38(3):265–273.
Bentley, A. R., Chen, G., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A. P., Zhou, J., Huang, H., Mullikin, J. C., Blakesley, R. W., Hansen, N. F., Bouffard, G. G., Cherukuri, P. F., Maskeri, B., Young, A. C., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2014. Gene-based sequencing identifies lipid-influencing variants with ethnicity-specific effects in African Americans. PLoS Genet., 10(3):e1004190. PMCID: PMC3945436.
Liu, C.-T., Buchkovich, M. L., Winkler, T. W., Heid, I. M., African Ancestry Anthropometry Genetics Consortium, GIANT Consortium, Borecki, I, B., Fox, C. S., Mohlke, K. L., North, K. E., and Cupples, L. A. 2014. Multi-ethnic fine-mapping of 14 central adiposity loci. Hum. Mol. Genet. 23(17):4738–4744. PMCID: PMC4119415.
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Shriner, D., Tekola-Ayele, F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2014. Genome- wide genotype and sequence-based reconstruction of the 140,000 year history of modern human ancestry. Sci. Rep., 4:6055. PMCID: PMC4131216.
Wang, Y. J., Tayo, B. O., Bandyopadhyay, A., Wang, H., Feng, T., Franceschini, N., Tang, H., Gao, J., Sung, Y. J., COGENT BP Consortium, Elston, R. C., Williams, S. M., Cooper, R. S., Mu, T. W., and Zhu, X. 2014. The association of the vanin-1 N131S variant with blood pressure is mediated by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and loss of function. PLOS Genet., 10(9):31004641. PMCID: PMC4169380.
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Shungin, D., Winkler, T. W., Croteau-Chonka, D. C., Ferreira, T., Locke, A. E., Mägi, R., Strawbridge, R. J., Pers, T. H., Fischer, K., Justice, A. E., Workalemahu, T., Wu, J. M. W., Buchkovich, M. L., Heard-Costa, N. L., Roman, T. S., Drong, A. W., Song, C., Gustafsson, S., Day, F. R., Esko, T., Fall, T., Kutalik, Z., Luan, J., Randall, J. C., Scherag, A., Vedantam, S., Wood, A. R., Chen, J., Fehrmann, R., Karjalainen, J., Kahali, B., Liu, C.-T., Schmidt, E. M., Absher, D., Amin, N., Anderson, D., Beekman, M., Bragg-Gresham, J. L., Buyske, S., Demirkan, A., Ehret, G. B., Feitosa, M. F., Goel, A., Jackson, A. U., Johnson, T., Kleber, M. E., Kristiansson, K., Mangino, M., Mateo Leach, I., Medina-Gomez, C., Palmer, C. D., Pasko, D., Pechlivanis, S., Peters, M. J., Prokopenko, I., Stančáková, A., Sung Y.-J., Tanaka, T., Teumer, A., Van Vliet- Ostaptchouk, J. V., Yengo, L., Zhang, W., Albrecht, E., Ärnlöv, J., Arscott, G. M., Bandinelli, S., Barrett, A., Bellis, C., Bennett, A. 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B., Reinmaa, E., Salem, R. M., Sandholm, N., Schadt, E. E., Scott, R. A., Stolk, L., Vallejo, E. E., Westra, H.-J., Zondervan, K.T., The ADIPOGen Consortium, The CARDIOGRAMplusC4D Consortium, The CKDGen Consortium, The GEFOS Consortium, The GENIE Consortium, The GLGC, The ICBP, The International Endogene Consortium, The LifeLines Cohort Study, The MAGIC Investigators, The MuTHER Consortium, The PAGE Consortium, The ReproGen Consortium, Amouyel, P., Arveiler, D., Bakker, S. J. L., Beilby, J., Bergman, R. N., Blangero, J., Brown, M. J., Burnier, M., Campbell, H., Chakravarti, A., Chines, P. S., Claudi-Boehm, S., Collins, F. S., Crawford, D. C., Danesh, J., de Faire, U., de Geus, E. J. C., Dörr, M., Erbel, R., Eriksson, J. G., Farrall, M., Ferrannini, E., Ferrières, J., Forouhi, N. G., Forrester, T., Franco, O. H., Gansevoort, R. T., Gieger, C., Gudnason, V., Haiman, C. A., Harris, T. B., Hattersley, A. T., Heliövaara, M., Hicks, A. A., Hingorani, A. 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Faruque, M. U., Chen, G., Doumatey, A. P., Zhou, J., Huang, H., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A. A., Rotimi, C. N., and Dunston, G. M. 2016. Transferability of genome- wide associated loci for asthma in African Americans. J. Asthma, in press.
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Adebamowo, S. N., Adeyemo, A., Tekola-Ayele, F., Doumatey, A. P., Bentley, A. R., Chen, G., Zhou, J., Shriner, D., Fasanmade, O. A., Okafor, G., Eghan, B., Agyenim-Boateng, K., Adeleye, J., Balogun, W., Amoah, A., Owusu, S., Acheampong, J., Johnson, T., Oli, J., Adebamowo, C. A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2016. Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on Impaired Kidney Function in Sub-Saharan African Populations. Front. Endocrinol., 7:50. PMCID: PMC4884893.
Shriner, D., and Keita, SOY. 2016. Migration route out of Africa unresolved by 225 Egyptian and Ethiopian whole genome sequences. Front. Genet.,7:98. PMCID: PMC4887474.
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Musani, S. K., Shriner, D., Liu, N., Feng, R., Coffey, C. S., Yi, N., Tiwari, H. K., and Allison, D. B. 2007. Detection of gene × gene interactions in genome-wide association studies of human population data. Hum. Hered. 63(2): 67–84.
Yandell, B. S., Mehta, T., Banerjee, S., Shriner, D., Venkataraman, R., Moon, J. Y., Neely, W. W., Wu, H., von Smith, R., and Yi, N. 2007. R/qtlbim: QTL with Bayesian interval mapping in experimental crosses. Bioinformatics 23(5): 641–643.
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Shriner, D., Vaughan, L. K., Padilla, M. A., and Tiwari, H. K. 2007. Problems with Genome-Wide Association Studies [Letter to the Editor]. Science 316(5833): 1840– 1841.
Liu, Y., McNevin, J., Zhao, H., Tebit, D. M., Troyer, R. M., McSweyn, M., Ghosh, A. K., Shriner, D., Arts, E. J., McElrath, M. J., and Mullins, J. I. 2007. Evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes: fitness- balanced escape. J. Virol. 81(22):12179–12188. PMCID: PMC2169017.
Yi, N., and Shriner, D. 2008. Advances in Bayesian multiple QTL mapping in experimental crosses. Heredity 100(3):240–252.
Shriner, D., Baye, T. M., Padilla, M. A., Zhang, S., Vaughan, L. K., and Loraine, A. E. 2008. Commonality of Functional Annotation: a method for prioritization of candidate genes from genome-wide linkage studies. Nucleic Acids Res. 36(4):e26. PMCID: PMC2275105.
Shriner, D. 2008. Putting Materials and Methods in Their Place [Letter to the Editor]. Science 322(5907):1463.
Ankra-Badu, G. A., Pomp, D., Shriner, D., Allison, D. B., and Yi, N. 2009. Genetic influences on growth and body composition in mice: multilocus interactions. Int. J. Obes. 33(1):89–95. PMCID: PMC3206648.
Shriner, D., and Yi, N. 2009. Deviance information criterion (DIC) in Bayesian multiple QTL mapping. Comput. Stat. Data An. 53(5):1850–1860. PMCID: PMC2682718.
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Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., Gerry, N. P., Herbert, A., Chen, G., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Christman, M. F., and Rotimi, C. N. 2009. Transferability and fine- mapping of genome-wide associated loci for adult height across human populations.PLoS ONE 4(12):e8398. PMCID: PMC2792725.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., Chen, G., and Rotimi, C. N. 2010. Practical considerations for imputation of untyped markers in admixed populations. Genet. Epidemiol. 34(3):258–265. PMCID: PMC2912698.
Ankra-Badu, G. A., Shriner, D., Le Bihan-Duval, E., Mignon-Grasteau, S., Pitel, F., Beaumont, C., Duclos, M. J., Simon, J., Porter, T. E., Vignal, A., Cogburn, L. A., Allison, D. B., Yi, N., and Aggrey, S. E. 2010. Mapping main, epistatic and sex-specific QTL for body composition in a chicken population divergently selected for low or high growth rate. BMC Genomics 11:107. PMCID: PMC2830984.
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Adeyemo, A., Chen, G., Zhou, J., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., and Rotimi, C. 2010. FTO genetic variation and association with obesity in West Africans and African-Americans. Diabetes 59(6):1549–1554. PMCID: PMC2874717.
Kang, S. J., Chiang, C. W. K., Palmer, C. D., Tayo, B. O., Lettre, G., Butler, J. L., Hackett, R., Adeyemo, A. A., Guiducci, C., Berzins, I., Nguyen, T. T., Feng, T., Luke, A., Shriner, D., Ardlie, K., Rotimi, C., Wilks, R., Forrester, T., McKenzie, C. A., Lyon, H. N., Cooper, R. S., Zhu, X., and Hirschhorn, J. N. 2010. Genome wide association of anthropometric traits in African and African derived populations. Hum. Mol. Genet.19(13):2725–2738. PMCID: PMC2883343.
Chen, G., Shriner, D., Zhou, J., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Gerry, N. P., Herbert, A., Christman, M. F., Chen, Y., Dunston, G. M., Faruque, M. U., Rotimi, C. N., and Adeyemo, A. 2010. Development of admixture mapping panels for African Americans from commercial high-density SNP arrays. BMC Genomics 11:417. PMCID: PMC2996945.
Meilleur, K. G., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Charles, B., Chen, G., Zhou, J.,Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. 2010. Circulating adiponectin is associated with obesity and serum lipids in West Africans. J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab. 95(7):3517– 3521. PMCID: PMC2928908.
Ramos, E., Chen, G., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A., Gerry, N. P., Herbert, A., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Christman, M. F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. 2011. Replication of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) loci for fasting plasma glucose in African- Americans. Diabetologia 54(4):783–788. PMCID: PMC3052446.
Shriner, D., and Vaughan, L. K. 2011. A unified framework for multi-locus association analysis of both common and rare variants. BMC Genomics 12:89. PMCID: PMC3040731.
Charles, B. A., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A., Chen, G., Zhou, J., Huang, H., Herbert, A., Gerry, N. P., Christman, M. F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2011. A genome-wide association study of serum uric acid in African Americans. BMC Med. Genomics 4:17. PMCID: PMC3045279.
Fox, E. R., Young, J. H., Li, Y., Dreisbach, A. W., Keating, B. J., Musani, S. K., Liu, K., Morrison, A. C., Ganesh, S., Kutlar, A., Ramachandran, V. S., Polak, J. F., Fabsitz, R. R., Dries, D. L., Farlow, D. N., Redline, S., Adeyemo, A., Hirschhorn, J. N., Sun, Y. V., Wyatt, S. B., Penman, A. D., Palmas, W., Rotter, J. I., Townsend, R. R., Doumatey, A. P., Tayo, B. O., Mosley, T. H. Jr., Lyon, H. N., Kang, S. J., Rotimi, C. N., Cooper, R. S., Franceschini, N., Curb, J. D., Martin, L. W., Eaton, C. B., Kardia, S. L. R., Taylor, H. A., Caulfield, M. J., Ehret, G. B., Johnson, T., The International Consortium for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies, Chakravarti, A., Zhu, X., and Levy, D. 2011. Association of genetic variation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure among African Americans: the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) Study.Hum. Mol. Genet. 20(11):2273–2284. PMCID: PMC3090190.
Jiao, Y., Jiao, F., Yan, J., Xiong, Q., Shriner, D., Hasty, K., Stuart, J., and Gu, W. 2011. Identifying a major locus that regulates spontaneous arthritis in IL-1ra-deficient mice and analysis of potential candidates. Genet. Res., 93(2):95–103. PMCID: PMC3245888.
Shriner, D. 2011. Investigating population structure and admixture using eigenanalysis of dense genotypes. Heredity, 107(5):413–420. PMCID: PMC3128175.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., Ramos, E., Chen, G., and Rotimi, C. N. 2011. Mapping of disease-associated variants in admixed populations. Genome Biol. 12: 223. PMCID: PMC3219963.
Tin, A., Woodward, O. M., Kao, W. H. L., Liu, C.-T., Lu, X., Nalls, M. A.,Shriner, D., Semmo, M., Akylbekova, E. L., Wyatt, S. B., Hwang, S.-J., Yang, Q., Zonderman, A. B., Adeyemo, A. A., Palmer, C., Meng, Y., Reilly, M. P., Shlipak, M. G., Siscovick, D., Evans, M. K., Rotimi, C. N., Flessner, M. F., Köttgen, M., Cupples, L. A., Fox, C. S., Köttgen, A., on behalf of the CARe and CHARGE Consortia. 2011. Genome- wide association study for serum urate concentrations and gout among African Americans identifies genomic risk loci and a novel URAT1 loss-of-function allele. Hum.Mol. Genet., 20(20):4056–4068. PMCID: PMC3177647.
The International Consortium for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies. 2011. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk. Nature, 478(7367):103–109. PMCID: PMC3340926.
Shriner, D. 2011. Approximate and exact tests of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium using uncertain genotypes. Genet. Epidemiol., 35(7):632–637. PMCID: PMC4141651.
Liu, C.-T., Garnaas, M. K., Tin, A., Kottgen, A., Franceschini, N., Peralta, C. A., de Boer, I. H., Lu, X., Atkinson, E., Ding, J., Nalls, M., Shriner, D., Coresh, J., Kutlar, A., Bibbins-Domingo, K., Siscovick, D., Akylbekova, E., Wyatt, S., Astor, B., Mychaleckjy, J., Li, M., Reilly, M. P., Townsend, R. R., Adeyemo, A., Zonderman, A. B., de Andrade, M., Turner, S. T., Mosley, T. H., Harris, T. B., The CKDGen Consortium, Rotimi, C. N., Liu, Y., Kardia, S. L. R., Evans, M. K., Shlipak, M. G., Kramer, H., Flessner, M. F., Dreisbach, A. W., Goessling, W., Cupples, L. A., Kao, W. L., and Fox, C. S. 2011. Genetic association for renal traits among participants of African ancestry reveals new loci for renal function. PLoS Genet., 7(9):e1002264. PMCID: PMC3169523.
Charles, B. A., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Chen, G., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2011. The roles of IL-6, IL-10, and IL-1RA in obesity and insulin resistance in African Americans. J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab., 96(12):E2018– E2022. PMCID: PMC3232609.
Chambers, J. C., Zhang, W., Sehmi, J., Li, X., Wass, M. N., Van der Harst, P., Holm, H., Sanna, S., Kavousi, M., Baumeister, S. E., Coin, L. J., Deng, G., Gieger, C., Heard-Costa, N. L., Hottenga, J.-J., Kühnel, B., Kumar, V., Lagou, V., Liang, L., Luan, J., Vidal, P. M., Mateo Leach, I., O'Reilly, P. F., Peden, J. F., Rahmioglu, N., Soininen, P., Speliotes, E. K., Yuan, X., Thorleifsson, G., Alizadeh, B. Z., Atwood, L. D., Borecki, I. B., Brown, M. J., Charoen, P., Cucca, F., Das, D., de Geus, E. J. C., Dixon ,A. L., Döring, A., Ehret, G., Eyjolfsson, G. I., Farrall, M., Forouhi, N. G., Friedrich, N., Goessling, W., Gudbjartsson, D. F., Harris, T. B., Hartikainen, A.-L., Heath, S., Hirschfield, G. M., Hofman, A., Homuth, G., Hyppönen, E., Janssen, H. L. A., Johnson, T., Kangas, A. J., Kema, I. P., Kühn, J. P., Lai, S., Lathrop, M., Lerch, M. M., Li, Y., Liang, T. J., Lin, J.-P., Loos, R. J., Martin, N. G., Moffatt, M. F., Montgomery, G. W., Munroe, P. B., Musunuru, K., Nakamura, Y., O'Donnell, C. J., Olafsson, I., Penninx, B. W., Pouta, A., Prins, B. P., Prokopenko, I., Puls, R., Ruokonen, A., Savolainen, M. J., Schlessinger, D., Schouten, J. N. L., Seedorf, U., Sen-Chowdhry, S., Siminovitch, K. A., Smit, J. H., Spector, T. D., Tan, W., Teslovich, T. M., Tukiainen, T., Uitterlinden, A. G., Van der Klauw, M. M., Vasan, R. S., Wallace, C., Wallaschofski, H., Wichmann, H.-E., Willemsen, G., Würtz, P., Xu, C., Yerges-Armstrong, L. M., Alcohol Genome-wide Association (AlcGen) Consortium, Diabetes Genetics Replication and Meta-analyses (DIAGRAM+) Study, Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits (GIANT) Consortium, Global Lipids Genetics Consortium, Genetics of Liver Disease (GOLD) Consortium, International Consortium for Blood Pressure (ICBP-GWAS), Meta-analyses of Glucose and Insulin-Related Traits Consortium (MAGIC), Abecasis, G. R., Ahmadi, K. R., Boomsma, D. I., Caulfield, M., Cookson, W. O., van Duijn, C. M., Froguel, P., Matsuda, K., McCarthy, M. I., Meisinger, C., Mooser, V., Pietiläinen, K. H., Schumann, G., Snieder, H., Sternberg, M. J. E., Stolk, R. P., Thomas, H. C., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Uda, M., Waeber, G., Wareham, N. J., Waterworth, D. M., Watkins, H., Whitfield, J. B., Witteman, J. C. M., Wolffenbuttel, B. H. R., Fox, C. S., Ala-Korpela, M., Stefansson, K., Vollenweider, P., Völzke, H., Schadt, E. E., Scott, J., Järvelin, M.-R., Elliott, P., and Kooner, J. S. 2011. Genome-wide association study identifies loci influencing concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma. Nat. Genet., 43(11):1131–1138. PMCID: PMC3482372.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2011. Joint ancestry and association testing in admixed individuals. PLoS Comput. Biol., 7(12):e1002325. PMCID: PMC3245293
Palmer, N. D., McDonough, C. W., Hicks, P. J., Roh, B. H., Wing, M. R., An, S. S., Hester, J. M., Cooke, J. N., Bostrom, M. A., Rudock, M. E., Talbert, M. E., Lewis, J. P., DIAGRAM Consortium, MAGIC Investigators, Ferrara, A., Lu, L., Ziegler, J. T., Sale, M. M., Divers, J., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., Rotimi, C. N., Ng, M. C. Y., Langefeld, C. D., Freedman, B. I., and Bowden, D. W. 2012. A genome-wide association search for type 2 diabetes genes in African Americans. PLoS ONE, 7(1):e29202. PMCID: PMC3251563.
Shriner, D. 2012. Moving towards systems genetics through multiple trait analysis in genome-wide association studies. Front. Gene., 3:1. PMCID: PMC3266611. 49. Shriner, D. 2012. Improved eigenanalysis of discrete subpopulations and admixture using the minimum average partial test. Hum. Hered., 73:73–83. PMCID: PMC3370671.
Chen, G., Ramos, E., Adeyemo, A., Shriner, D., Zhou, J., Doumatey, A. P., Huang, H., Erdos, M. R., Gerry, N. P., Herbert, A., Bentley, A. R., Xu, H., Charles, B. A., Christman, M. F., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. UGT1A1 is a major locus influencing bilirubin levels in African Americans. Eur. J. Hum. Genet., 20(4):463–468. PMCID: PMC3306855.
Ayele, F. T., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Charles, B., Erdos, M., Adeleye, J., Balogun, W., Fasanmade, O., Johnson, T., Oli, J., Okafor, G., Amoah, A., Eghan, B. A., Jr., Agyenim-Boateng, K., Acheampong, J., Adebamowo, C. A., Herbert, A., Gerry, N., Christman, M., Chen, G., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Genome-wide associated loci influencing interleukin (IL)-10, IL-1Ra, and IL-6 levels in African Americans. Immunogenetics, 64(5):351–359. PMCID: PMC3418332. 52. Doumatey, A. P., Chen, G., Ayele, F. T., Zhou, J., Erdos, M., Shriner, D., Huang, H., Adeleye, J., Balogun, W., Fasanmade, O., Johnson, T., Oli, J., Okafor, G., Amoah, A., Eghan, B. A., Agyenim-Boateng, K., Acheampong, J., Adebamowo, C., Gerry, N. P., Christman, M. F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. C-reactive protein promoter polymorphisms influence circulating CRP levels in a genome-wide association study of African Americans. Hum. Mol. Genet., 21(13):3063–3072. PMCID: PMC3373247.
Bentley, A. R., Doumatey, A. P., Chen , G., Huang, H., Zhou, J., Shriner, D., Jiang, C.-Q., Zhang, Z., Liu, G., Fasanmade, O., Johnson, T., Oli, J. M., Okafor, G., Eghan, B. Jr., Agyenim-Boateng, K., Adeleye, J., Balogun, W., Adebamowo, C., Acheampong, J., Amoah, A., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Variation in APOL1contributes to ancestry-level differences in HDLc-kidney function association. Int. J.Nephrol., 2012:article 748984. PMCID: PMC3438781.
Chen, G., Bentley, A., Adeyemo, A., Shriner, D., Zhou, J., Doumatey, A., Huang, H., Ramos, E., Erdos, M., Gerry, N., Herbert, A., Christman, M., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Genome-wide association study identifies novel loci association with fasting insulin and insulin resistance in African Americans. Hum. Mol. Genet., 21(20):4530– 4536. PMCID: PMC3459464.
Liu, C.-T., Ng, M. C. Y., Rybin, D., Adeyemo, A., Bielinski, S. J., Boerwinkle, E., Borecki, I., Cade, B., Chen, Y. D. I., Djousse, L., Fornage, M., Goodarzi, M. O., Grant, S. F. A., Guo, X., Harris, T., Kabagambe, E., Kizer, J. R., Liu, Y., Lunetta, K. L., Mukamal, K., Nettleton, J. A., Pankow, J. S., Patel, S. R., Ramos, E., Rasmussen-Torvik, L., Rich, S. S., Rotimi, C. N., Sarpong, D., Shriner, D., Sims, M., Zmuda, J. M., Redline, S., Kao, W. H., Siscovick, D., Florez, J. C., Rotter, J. I., Dupuis, J., Wilson, J. G., Bowden, D. W., and Meigs, J. B. 2012. Transferability and fine-mapping of glucose and insulin quantitative trait loci across populations: CARe, the Candidate Gene Association Resource. Diabetologia, 55(11):2970–2984. PMCID: PMC3804308.
Chen, G., Yuan, A., Zhou, Y., Bentley, A. R., Zhou, J., Chen, W., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Simultaneous analysis of common and rare variants in complex traits: application to SNPs (SCARVAsnp). Bioinform. Biol. Insights,6:177–185. PMCID: PMC3418150.
Shriner, D., Herbert, A., Doumatey, A. P., Zhou, J., Huang, H., Erdos, M. R., Chen, G., Gerry, N. P., Christman, M. F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2012. Multiple loci associated with renal function in African Americans. PLoS ONE, 7(9):e45112. PMCID: PMC3441677.
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Monda, K. L., Chen, G. K., Taylor, K. C., Palmer, C., Edwards, T. L., Lange, L. A., Ng, M. C. Y., Adeyemo, A. A., Allison, M. A., Bielak, L. F., Chen, G., Graff, M., Irvin, M. R., Rhie, S. K., Li, G., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Lu, Y., Nalls, M. A., Sun, Y. V., Wojczynski, M. K., Yanek, L. R., Aldrich, M. C., Ademola, A., Amos, C. I., Bandera, E. V., Bock, C. H., Britton, A., Broeckel, U., Cai, Q., Caporaso, N. E., Carlson, C. S., Carpten, J., Casey, G., Chen, W.-M., Chen, F., Chen, Y.-D. I., Chiang, C. W. K., Coetzee, G. A., Demerath, E., Deming-Halverson, S. L., Driver, R. W., Dubbert, P., Feitosa, M. F., Feng, Y., Freedman, B. I., Gillanders, E. M., Gottesman, O., Guo, X., Haritunians, T., Harris, T., Harris, C. C., Hennis, A. J. M., Hernandez, D. G., McNeill, L. H., Howard, T. D., Howard, B. V., Howard, V. J., Johnson, K. C., Kang, S. J., Keating, B. J., Kolb, S., Kuller, L. H., Kutlar, A., Langefeld, C. D., Lettre, G., Lohman, K., Lotay, V., Lyon, H., Manson, J. E., Maixner, W., Meng, Y. A., Monroe, K. R., Morhason-Bello, I., Murphy, A. B., Mychaleckyj, J. C., Nadukuru, R., Nathanson, K. L., Nayak, U., N'diaye, A., Nemesure, B., Wu, S.-Y., Leske, M. C., Neslund-Dudas, C., Neuhouser, M., Nyante, S., Ochs-Balcom, H., Ogunniyi, A., Ogundiran, T. O., Ojengbede, O., Olopade, O. I., Palmer, J. R., Ruiz-Narvaez, E. A., Palmer, N. D., Press, M. F., Rampersaud, E., Rasmussen-Torvik, L. J., Rodriguez-Gil, J. L., Salako, B., Schadt, E. E., Schwartz, A. G.,Shriner, D. A., Siscovick, D., Smith, S. B., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., Speliotes, E. K., Spitz, M. R., Sucheston, L., Taylor, H., Tayo, B. O., Tucker, M. A., Van Den Berg, D. J., Edwards, D. R., Wang, Z., Wiencke, J. K., Winkler, T. W., Witte, J. S., Wrensch, M., Wu, X., Yang, J. J., Levin, A. M., Young, T. R., Zakai, N. A., Cushman, M., Zanetti, K. A., Zhao, J. H., Zhao, W., Zheng, Y., Zhou, J., Ziegler, R. G., Zmuda, J.M., Fernandes, J. K., Gilkeson, G. S., Kamen, D. L., Hunt, K. J., Spruill, I. J., Ambrosone, C. B., Ambs, S., Arnett, D. K., Atwood, L., Becker, D. M., Berndt, S. I., Bernstein, L., Blot, W. J., Borecki, I. B., Bottinger, E. P., Bowden, D. W., Burke, G., Chanock, S. J., Cooper, R. S., Ding, J., Duggan, D., Evans, M. K., Fox, C., Garvey, W. T., Bradfield, J. P., Hakonarson, H., Grant, S. F. A., Hsing, A., Chu, L., Hu, J. J., Huo, D., Ingles, S. A., John, E. M., Jordan, J. M., Kabagambe, E. K., Kardia, S. L. R., Kittles, R. A., Goodman, P. J., Klein, E. A., Kolonel, L. N., Le Marchand, L., Liu, S., McKnight, B., Millikan, R. C., Mosley, T. H., Padhukasahasram, B., Williams, L. K., Patel, S. R., Peters, U., Pettaway, C. A., Peyser, P. A., Psaty, B. M., Redline, S., Rotimi, C. N., Rybicki, B. A., Sale, M. M., Schreiner, P. J., Signorello, L. B., Singleton, A. B., Stanford, J. L., Strom, S. S., Thun, M. J., Vitolins, M., Zheng, W., Moore, J. H., Williams, S. M., Ketkar, S., Zhu, X., Zonderman, A. B., NABEC Consortium, UKBEC Consortium, BioBank Japan Project, AGEN Consortium, Kooperberg, C., Papanicolaou, G. J., Henderson, B. E., Reiner, A. P., Hirschhorn, J. N., Loos, R. J., North, K. E., and Haiman, C. A. 2013. A meta-analysis identifies new loci associated with body mass index in individuals of African ancestry.Nat. Genet., 45(6):690–696. PMCID: PMC3694490.
Liu, C.-T., Monda, K. L., Taylor, K. C., Lange, L., Demerath, E. W., Palmas, W., Wojczynski, M. K., Ellis, J. C., Vitolins, M. Z., Liu, S., Papanicolaou, G. J., Irvin, M. R., Xue, L., Griffin, P. J., Nalls, M. A., Adeyemo, A., Liu, J., Li, G., Ruiz-Narvaez, E. A., Chen, W.-M., Chen, F., Henderson, B. E., Millikan, R. C., Ambrosone, C. B., Strom, S. S., Guo, X., Andrews, J. S., Sun, Y. V., Mosley, T. H., Yanek, L. R., Shriner, D., Haritunians, T., Rotter, J. I., Speliotes, E. K., Smith, M., Rosenberg, L., Mychaleckyj, J., Nayak, U., Spruill, I., Garvey, W. T., Pettaway, C., Nyante, S., Bandera, E. V., Britton, A. F., Zonderman, A. B., Rasmussen-Torvik, L. J., Chen, Y.-D. I., Ding, J., Lohman, K., Kritchevsky, S. B., Zhao, W., Peyser, P. A., Kardia, S. L. R., Kabagambe, E., Broeckel, U., Chen, G., Zhou, J., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., Neuhouser, M. L., Rampersaud, E., Psaty, B., Kooperberg, C., Manson, J. E., Kuller, L. H., Ochs-Balcom, H. M., Johnson, K. C., Sucheston, L., Ordovas, J. M., Palmer, J. R., Haiman, C. A., McKnight, B., Howard, B. V., Becker, D. M., Bielak, L. F., Liu, Y., Allison, M., Grant, S. F. A., Burke, G. L., Patel, S. R., Schreiner, P. J., Borecki, I. B., Evans, M. K., Taylor, H., Sale, M., Howard, V., Carlson, C. S., Rotimi, C. N., Cushman, M., Harris, T. B., Reiner, A. P., Cupples, L. A., North, K. E., and Fox, C. S. 2013. Genome-wide association of body fat distribution in African ancestry populations suggests new loci. PLoS Genet., 9(8):e1003681. PMCID: PMC3744443.
Ramos, E., Doumatey, A., Elkahloun, A. G., Shriner, D., Huang, H., Chen, G., Zhou, J., McLeod, H., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2013. Pharmacogenomics, ancestry and clinical decision making for global populations. Pharmacogenomics J.,14(3):217–222.
Shriner, D. 2013. Impact of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium on post-imputation quality control. Hum. Genet., 132(9):1073–1075.
Rotimi, C., Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A. 2013. Genome science and health disparities: a growing success story? Genome Med., 5(7):61. PMCID: PMC3979012.
Franceschini, N., Fox, E., Zhang, Z., Edwards, T. L., Nalls, M. A., Sung, Y. J., Tayo, B. O., Sun, Y. V., Gottesman, O., Adeyemo, A., Johnson, A. D., Young, J. H., Rice, K., Duan, Q., Chen, F., Li, Y., Tang, H., Fornage, M., Keene, K. L., Andrews, J. S., Smith, J. A., Faul, J. D., Guangfa, Z., Guo, W., Liu, Y., Murray, S. S., Musani, S. K., Srinivasan, S., Velez Edwards, D. R., Wang, H., Becker, L. C., Bovet, P., Bochud, M., Broeckel, U., Burnier, M., Carty, C., Chasman, D. I., Ehret, G., Chen, W.-M., Chen, G., Chen, W., Ding, J., Dreisbach, A. W., Evans, M. K., Guo, X., Garcia, M. E., Jensen, R., Keller, M. F., Lettre, G., Lotay, V., Martin, L. W., Moore, J. H., Morrison, A. C., Mosley, T. H., Ogunniyi, A., Palmas, W., Papanicolaou, G., Penman, A., Polak, J. F., Ridker, P. M., Salako, B., Singleton, A. B., Shriner, D., Taylor, K. D., Vasan, R., Wiggins, K., Williams, S. M., Yanek, L. R., Zhao, W., Zonderman, A. B., Becker, D. M., Berenson, G., Boerwinkle, E., Bottinger, E., Cushman, M., Eaton, C., Nyberg, F., Heiss, G., Hirschhorn, J. N., Howard, V. J., Karczewsk, K. J., Lanktree, M. B., Liu, K., Liu, Y., Loos, R., Margolis, K., Snyder, M., the Asian Genetic Epidemiology Network Consortium, Psaty, B. M., Schork, N. J., Weir, D. R., Rotimi, C. N., Sale, M. M., Harris, T., Kardia, S. L. R., Hunt, S. C., Arnett, D., Redline, S., Cooper, R. S., Risch, N. J., Rao, D. C., Rotter, J. I., Chakravarti, A., Reiner, A. P., Levy, D., Keating, B. J., and Zhu, X. 2013. Genome-wide association analysis of blood-pressure traits in African-ancestry individuals reveals common associated genes in African and non-African populations.Am. J. Hum. Genet. 93(5):545–554. PMCID: PMC3769920.
Shriner, D., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2014. Reconciling clinical importance and statistical significance. Eur. J. Hum. Genet., 22(2):158–159. PMCID: PMC3895630.
Charles, B. A., Shriner, D., and Rotimi, C. N. 2014. Accounting for linkage disequilibrium in association analysis of diverse populations. Genet. Epidemiol.,38(3):265–273.
Bentley, A. R., Chen, G., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A. P., Zhou, J., Huang, H., Mullikin, J. C., Blakesley, R. W., Hansen, N. F., Bouffard, G. G., Cherukuri, P. F., Maskeri, B., Young, A. C., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2014. Gene-based sequencing identifies lipid-influencing variants with ethnicity-specific effects in African Americans. PLoS Genet., 10(3):e1004190. PMCID: PMC3945436.
Liu, C.-T., Buchkovich, M. L., Winkler, T. W., Heid, I. M., African Ancestry Anthropometry Genetics Consortium, GIANT Consortium, Borecki, I, B., Fox, C. S., Mohlke, K. L., North, K. E., and Cupples, L. A. 2014. Multi-ethnic fine-mapping of 14 central adiposity loci. Hum. Mol. Genet. 23(17):4738–4744. PMCID: PMC4119415.
*Ng, M. C. Y., *Shriner, D., Chen, B. H., Li, J., Chen, W.-M., Guo, X., Liu, J., Bielinski, S. J., Yanek, L. R., Nalls, M. A., Comeau, M. E., Rasmussen-Torvik, L. J., Jensen, R. A., Evans, D. S., Sun, Y. V., An, P., Patel, S. R., Lu, Y., Long, J., Armstrong, L. L., Wagenknecht, L., Yang, L., Snively, B. M., Palmer, N. D., Mudgal, P., Langefeld, C. D., Keene, K. L., Freedman, B. I., Mychaleckyj, J. C., Nayak, U., Raffel, L. J., Goodarzi, M. O., Chen, Y.-D. I., Taylor, H. A., Jr., Correa, A., Sims, M., Couper, D., Pankow, J. S., Boerwinkle, E., Adeyemo, A., Doumatey, A., Chen, G., Mathias, R. A., Vaidya, D., Singleton, A. B., Zonderman, A. B., Igo, R. P., Jr., Sedor, J. R., FIND Consortium, Kabagambe, E. K., Siscovick, D. S., McKnight, B., Rice, K., Liu, Y., Hsueh, W.-C., Zhao, W., Bielak, L. F., Kraja, A., Province, M. A., Bottinger, E. P., Gottesman, O., Cai, Q., Zheng, W., Blot, W. J., Lowe, W. L., Pacheco, J. A., Crawford, D. C., eMERGE Consortium, DIAGRAM Consortium, Grundberg, E., MuTHER Consortium, Rich, S. S., Hayes, M. G., Shu, X.-O., Loos, R. J. F., Borecki, I. B., Peyser, P. A., Cummings, S. R., Psaty, B. M., Fornage, M., Iyengar, S. K., Evans, M. K., Becker, D. M., Kao, W. H. L., Wilson, J. G., Rotter, J. I., Sale, M. M., Liu, S., Rotimi, C. N., and Bowden, D. W. 2014. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in African Americans provides insights into the genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes. PLOS Genet., 10(8):e1004517. PMCID: PMC4125087.
Shriner, D., Tekola-Ayele, F., Adeyemo, A., and Rotimi, C. N. 2014. Genome- wide genotype and sequence-based reconstruction of the 140,000 year history of modern human ancestry. Sci. Rep., 4:6055. PMCID: PMC4131216.
Wang, Y. J., Tayo, B. O., Bandyopadhyay, A., Wang, H., Feng, T., Franceschini, N., Tang, H., Gao, J., Sung, Y. J., COGENT BP Consortium, Elston, R. C., Williams, S. M., Cooper, R. S., Mu, T. W., and Zhu, X. 2014. The association of the vanin-1 N131S variant with blood pressure is mediated by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and loss of function. PLOS Genet., 10(9):31004641. PMCID: PMC4169380.
Zhu, X., Feng, T., Tayo, B. O., Liang, J., Young, J. H., Franceschini, N., Smith, J. A., Yanek, L. R., Sun, Y. V., Edwards, T. L., Chen, W., Nalls, M., Fox, E., Sale, M., Bottinger, E., Rotimi, C., The COGENT BP Consortium, Liu, Y., McKnight, B., Liu, K., Arnett, D. K., Chakravarti, A., Cooper, R. S., and Redline, S. 2015. Meta-analysis of correlated traits via summary statistics from GWASs with an application in hypertension.Am. J. Hum. Genet., 96(1):21–36. PMCID: PMC4289691.
*Sobota, R. S., *Shriner, D., Kodaman, N., Goodloe, R., Zheng, W., Gao, Y. T., Edwards, T. L., Amos, C. I., and Williams, S. M. 2015. Addressing population-specific multiple testing burdens in genetic association studies. Ann. Hum. Genet., 79(2):136–147. PMCID: PMC4334751.
Shungin, D., Winkler, T. W., Croteau-Chonka, D. C., Ferreira, T., Locke, A. E., Mägi, R., Strawbridge, R. J., Pers, T. H., Fischer, K., Justice, A. E., Workalemahu, T., Wu, J. M. W., Buchkovich, M. L., Heard-Costa, N. L., Roman, T. S., Drong, A. W., Song, C., Gustafsson, S., Day, F. R., Esko, T., Fall, T., Kutalik, Z., Luan, J., Randall, J. C., Scherag, A., Vedantam, S., Wood, A. R., Chen, J., Fehrmann, R., Karjalainen, J., Kahali, B., Liu, C.-T., Schmidt, E. M., Absher, D., Amin, N., Anderson, D., Beekman, M., Bragg-Gresham, J. L., Buyske, S., Demirkan, A., Ehret, G. B., Feitosa, M. F., Goel, A., Jackson, A. U., Johnson, T., Kleber, M. E., Kristiansson, K., Mangino, M., Mateo Leach, I., Medina-Gomez, C., Palmer, C. D., Pasko, D., Pechlivanis, S., Peters, M. J., Prokopenko, I., Stančáková, A., Sung Y.-J., Tanaka, T., Teumer, A., Van Vliet- Ostaptchouk, J. V., Yengo, L., Zhang, W., Albrecht, E., Ärnlöv, J., Arscott, G. M., Bandinelli, S., Barrett, A., Bellis, C., Bennett, A. 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W., Mulas, A., Müller, G., Müller- Nurasyid, M., Nagaraja, R., Nalls, M. A., Narisu, N., Glorioso, N., Nolte, I. M., Olden, M., Rayner, N. W., Renstrom, F., Ried, J. S., Robertson, N. R., Rose, L. M., Sanna, S., Scharnagl, H., Scholtens, S., Sennblad, B., Seufferlein, T., Sitlani, C. M., Smith, A. V., Stirrups, K., Stringham, H. M., Sundström, J., Swertz, M. A., Swift, A. J., Syvänen, A. C., Tayo, B. O., Thorand, B., Thorleifsson, G., Tomaschitz, A., Troffa, C., van Oort, F. V. A., Verweij, N., Vonk, J. M., Waite, L. L., Wennauer, R., Wilsgaard, T., Wojczynski, M. K., Wong, A., Zhang, Q., Zhao, J. H., Brennan, E. P., Choi, M., Eriksson, P., Folkersen, L., Franco-Cereceda, A., Gharavi, A. G., Hedman, Å. K., Hivert, M.-F., Huang, J., Kanoni, S., Karpe, F., Keildson, S., Kiryluk, K., Liang, L., Lifton, R. P., Ma, B., McKnight, A. J., McPherson, R., Metspalu, A., Min, J. L., Moffatt, M. F., Montgomery, G. W., Murabito, J. M., Nicholson, G., Nyholt, D. R., Olsson, C., Perry, J. R. B., Reinmaa, E., Salem, R. M., Sandholm, N., Schadt, E. E., Scott, R. A., Stolk, L., Vallejo, E. E., Westra, H.-J., Zondervan, K.T., The ADIPOGen Consortium, The CARDIOGRAMplusC4D Consortium, The CKDGen Consortium, The GEFOS Consortium, The GENIE Consortium, The GLGC, The ICBP, The International Endogene Consortium, The LifeLines Cohort Study, The MAGIC Investigators, The MuTHER Consortium, The PAGE Consortium, The ReproGen Consortium, Amouyel, P., Arveiler, D., Bakker, S. J. L., Beilby, J., Bergman, R. N., Blangero, J., Brown, M. J., Burnier, M., Campbell, H., Chakravarti, A., Chines, P. S., Claudi-Boehm, S., Collins, F. S., Crawford, D. C., Danesh, J., de Faire, U., de Geus, E. J. C., Dörr, M., Erbel, R., Eriksson, J. G., Farrall, M., Ferrannini, E., Ferrières, J., Forouhi, N. G., Forrester, T., Franco, O. H., Gansevoort, R. T., Gieger, C., Gudnason, V., Haiman, C. A., Harris, T. B., Hattersley, A. T., Heliövaara, M., Hicks, A. A., Hingorani, A. D., Hoffmann, W., Hofman, A., Homuth, G., Humphries, S. E., Hyppönen, E., Illig, T., Jarvelin, M.-R., Johansen, B., Jousilahti, P., Jula, A. M., Kaprio, J., Kee, F., Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, S. M., Kooner, J. S., Kooperberg, C., Kovacs, P., Kraja, A. T., Kumari, M., Kuulasmaa, K., Kuusisto, J., Lakka, T. A., Langenberg, C., Le Marchand, L., Lehtimäki, T., Lyssenko, V., Männistö, S., Marette, A., Matise, T. C., McKenzie, C. A., McKnight, B., Musk, A. W., Möhlenkamp, S., Morris, A. D., Nelis, M., Ohlsson, C., Oldehinkel, A. J., Ong, K. K., Palmer, L. J., Penninx, B. W., Peters, A., Pramstaller, P. P., Raitakari, O. T., Rankinen, T., Rao, D. C., Rice, T. K., Ridker, P. M., Ritchie, M. D., Rudan, I., Salomaa, V., Samani, N. J., Saramies, J., Sarzynski, M. A., Schwarz, P. E. H., Shuldiner, A. R., Staessen, J. A., Steinthorsdottir, V., Stolk, R. P., Strauch, K., Tönjes, A., Tremblay, A., Tremoli, E., Vohl, M.-C., Völker, U., Vollenweider, P., Wilson, J. F., Witteman, J. C., Adair, L. S., Bochud, M., Boehm, B. O., Bornstein, S. R., Bouchard, C., Cauchi, S., Caulfield, M. J., Chambers, J. C., Chasman, D. I., Cooper, R. S., Dedoussis, G., Ferrucci, L., Froguel, P., Grabe, H.-J., Hamsten, A., Hui, J., Hveem, K., Jöckel, K.-H., Kivimaki, M., Kuh, D., Laakso, M., Liu, Y., März, W., Munroe, P. B., Njølstad, I., Oostra, B. A., Palmer, C. N. A., Pedersen, N .L., Perola, M., Pérusse, L., Peters, U., Power, C., Quertermous, T., Rauramaa, R., Rivadeneira, F., Saaristo, T. E., Saleheen, D., Sinisalo, J., Slagboom, P. E., Snieder, H., Spector, T. D., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Stumvoll, M., Tuomilehto, J., Uitterlinden, A. G., Uusitupa, M., van der Harst, P., Veronesi, G., Walker, M., Wareham, N. J., Watkins, H., Wichmann, H.-E., Abecasis, G. R., Assimes, T. L., Berndt, S. I., Boehnke, M., Borecki, I. B., Deloukas, P., Franke, L., Frayling, T. M., Groop, L. C., Hunter, D. J., Kaplan, R. C., O'Connell, J. R., Qi, L., Schlessinger, D., Strachan, D. P., Stefansson, K., van Duijn, C. M., Willer, C. J., Visscher, P. M., Yang, J., Hirschhorn, J. N., Zillikens, M. C., McCarthy, M. I., Speliotes, E. K., North, K. E., Fox, C. S., Barroso, I., Franks, P. W., Ingelsson, E., Heid, I.M ., Loos, R. J., Cupples, L. A., Morris, A. P., Lindgren, C. M., and Mohlke, K. L. 2015. New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution. Nature, 518(7538):187–196. PMCID: PMC4338562.
Locke, A. E., Kahali, B., Berndt, S. I., Justice, A. E., Pers, T. H., Day, F. R., Powell, C., Vedantam, S., Buchkovich, M. L., Yang, J., Croteau-Chonka, D. C., Esko, T., Fall, T., Ferreira, T., Gustafsson, S., Kutalik, Z., Luan, J., Mägi, R., Randall, J. C., Winkler, T. W., Wood, A. R., Workalemahu, T., Faul, J. D., Smith, J. A., Zhao, J. H., Zhao, W., Chen, J., Fehrmann, R., Hedman, Å. K., Karjalainen, J., Schmidt, E. M., Absher, D., Amin, N., Anderson, D., Beekman, M., Bolton, J. L., Bragg-Gresham, J. L., Buyske, S., Demirkan, A., Deng, G., Ehret, G. B., Feenstra, B., Feitosa, M. F., Fischer, K., Goel, A., Gong, J., Jackson, A. U., Kanoni, S., Kleber, M. E., Kristiansson, K., Lim, U., Lotay, V., Mangino, M., Mateo Leach, I., Medina-Gomez, C., Medland, S. E., Nalls, M. A., Palmer, C. D., Pasko, D., Pechlivanis, S., Peters, M. J., Prokopenko, I., Shungin, D., Stančáková, A., Strawbridge, R. J., Sung, Y. J., Tanaka, T., Teumer, A., Trompet, S., van der Laan, S. W., van Setten, J., Van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, J. V., Wang, Z., Yengo, L., Zhang, W., Isaacs, A., Albrecht, E., Ärnlöv, J., Arscott, G. M., Attwood, A. P., Bandinelli, S., Barrett, A., Bas, I. N., Bellis, C., Bennett, A. J., Berne, C., Blagieva, R., Blüher, M., Böhringer, S., Bonnycastle, L. L., Böttcher, Y., Boyd, H. A., Bruinenberg, M., Caspersen, I. H., Chen, Y.-D. I., Clarke, R., Daw, E. W., de Craen, A. J. M., Delgado, G., Dimitriou, M., Doney, A. S. F., Eklund, N., Estrada, K., Eury, E., Folkersen, L., Fraser, R. M., Garcia, M. E., Geller, F., Giedraitis, V., Gigante, B., Go, A. S., Golay, A., Goodall, A. H., Gordon, S. D., Gorski, M., Grabe, H.-J., Grallert, H., Grammer, T. B., Gräßler, J., Grönberg, H., Groves, C. J., Gusto, G., Haessler, J., Hall, P., Haller, T., Hallmans, G., Hartman, C. A., Hassinen, M., Hayward, C., Heard-Costa, N. L., Helmer, Q., Hengstenberg, C., Holmen, O., Hottenga, J.-J., James, A. L., Jeff, J. M., Johansson, Å., Jolley, J., Juliusdottir, T., Kinnunen, L., Koenig, W., Koskenvuo, M., Kratzer, W., Laitinen, J., Lamina, C., Leander, K., Lee, N. R., Lichtner, P., Lind, L., Lindström, J., Lo K. S., Lobbens, S., Lorbeer, R., Lu, Y., Mach, F., Magnusson, P. K. E., Mahajan, A., McArdle, W. L., McLachlan, S., Menni, C., Merger, S., Mihailov, E., Milani, L., Moayyeri, A., Monda, K. L., Morken, M. A., Mulas, A., Müller, G., Müller- Nurasyid, M., Musk, A. W., Nagaraja, R., Nöthen, M. M., Nolte, I. M., Pilz, S., Rayner, N. W., Renstrom, F., Rettig, R., Ried, J. S., Ripke, S., Robertson, N. R., Rose, L. M., Sanna, S., Scharnagl, H., Scholtens, S., Schumacher, F. R., Scott, W. R., Seufferlein, T., Shi, J., Smith, A. V., Smolonska, J., Stanton, A. V., Steinthorsdottir, V., Stirrups, K., Stringham, H. M., Sundström, J., Swertz, M. A., Swift, A. J., Syvänen, A.-C., Tan, S.-T., Tayo, B. O., Thorand, B., Thorleifsson, G., Tyrer, J. P., Uh, H.-W., Vandenput, L., Verhulst, F. C., Vermeulen, S. H., Verweij, N., Vonk, J. M., Waite, L. L., Warren, H. R., Waterworth, D., Weedon, M. N., Wilkens, L. R., Willenborg, C., Wilsgaard, T., Wojczynski, M. K., Wong, A., Wright, A. F., Zhang, Q, The LifeLines Cohort Study, Brennan, E. P., Choi, M., Dastani, Z., Drong, A. W., Eriksson, P., Franco-Cereceda, A., Gådin, J. R., Gharavi, A. G., Goddard, M. E., Handsaker, R. E., Huang, J., Karpe, F., Kathiresan, S., Keildson, S., Kiryluk, K., Kubo, M., Lee, J.-Y., Liang, L., Lifton, R. P., Ma, B., McCarroll, S. A., McKnight, A. J., Min, J. L., Moffatt, M. F., Montgomery, G. W., Murabito, J. M., Nicholson, G., Nyholt, D. R., Okada, Y., Perry, J. R. B., Dorajoo, R., Reinmaa, E., Salem, R. M., Sandholm, N., Scott, R. A., Stolk, L., Takahashi, A., Tanaka, T., van't Hooft, F. M., Vinkhuyzen, A. A. E., Westra, H.-J., Zheng, W., Zondervan, K. T., The ADIPOGen Consortium, The AGEN-BMI Working Group The CARDIOGRAMplusC4D Consortium, The CKDGen Consortium, The GLGC, The ICBP, The MAGIC Investigators, The MuTHER Consortium, The MIGen Consortium, The PAGE Consortium, The ReproGen Consortium, The GENIE Consortium, The International Endogene Consortium, Heath, A. C., Arveiler, D., Bakker, S. J. L., Beilby, J., Bergman, R. N., Blangero, J., Bovet, P., Campbell, H., Caulfield, M. J., Cesana, G., Chakravarti, A., Chasman, D. I., Chines, P. S., Collins, F. S., Crawford, D. C., Cupples, L. A., Cusi, D., Danesh, J., de Faire, U., den Ruijter, H. M., Dominiczak, A. F., Erbel, R., Erdmann, J., Eriksson, J. G., Farrall, M., Felix, S. B., Ferrannini, E., Ferrières, J., Ford, I., Forouhi, N. G., Forrester, T., Franco, O. H., Gansevoort, R. T., Gejman, P. V., Gieger, C., Gottesman, O., Gudnason, V., Gyllensten, U., Hall, A. S., Harris, T. B., Hattersley, A. T., Hicks, A. A., Hindorff, L. A., Hingorani, A. D., Hofman, A., Homuth, G., Hovingh, G. K., Humphries, S. E., Hunt, S. C., Hyppönen, E., Illig, T., Jacobs, K. B., Jarvelin, M. R., Jöckel, K.-H., Johansen, B., Jousilahti, P., Jukema, J. W., Jula, A. M., Kaprio, J., Kastelein, J. J. P., Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, S. M., Kiemeney, L. A., Knekt, P., Kooner, J. S., Kooperberg, C., Kovacs, P., Kraja, A. T., Kumari, M., Kuusisto, J., Lakka, T. A., Langenberg, C., Le Marchand, L., Lehtimäki, T., Lyssenko, V., Männistö, S., Marette, A., Matise, T. C., McKenzie, C. A., McKnight, B., Moll, F. L., Morris, A. D., Morris, A. P., Murray, J. C., Nelis, M., Ohlsson, C., Oldehinkel, A. J., Ong, K. K., Madden, P. A. F., Pasterkamp, G., Peden, J. F., Peters, A., Postma, D. S., Pramstaller, P. P., Price, J. F., Qi, L., Raitakari, O. T., Rankinen, T., Rao, D. C., Rice, T. K., Ridker, P. M., Rioux, J. D., Ritchie, M. D., Rudan, I., Salomaa, V., Samani, N. J., Saramies, J., Sarzynski, M. A., Schunkert, H., Schwarz, P. E. H., Sever, P., Shuldiner, A. R., Sinisalo, J., Stolk, R. P., Strauch, K., Tönjes, A., Trégouët, D.-A., Tremblay, A., Tremoli, E., Virtamo, J., Vohl, M.-C., Völker, U., Waeber, G., Willemsen, G., Witteman, J. C., Zillikens, M. C., Adair, L. S., Amouyel, P., Asselbergs, F. W., Assimes, T. L., Bochud, M., Boehm, B. O., Boerwinkle, E., Bornstein, S. R., Bottinger, E. P., Bouchard, C., Cauchi, S., Chambers, J. C., Chanock, S. J., Cooper, R. S., de Bakker, P. I. W., Dedoussis, G., Ferrucci, L., Franks, P. W., Froguel, P., Groop, L. C., Haiman, C. A., Hamsten, A., Hui, J., Hunter, D. J., Hveem, K., Kaplan, R. C., Kivimaki, M., Kuh, D., Laakso, M., Liu, Y., Martin, N. G., März, W., Melbye, M., Metspalu, A., Moebus, S., Munroe, P. B., Njølstad, I., Oostra, B. A., Palmer, C. N. A., Pedersen, N. L., Perola, M., Pérusse, L., Peters, U., Power, C., Quertermous, T., Rauramaa, R., Rivadeneira, F., Saaristo, T. E., Saleheen, D., Sattar, N., Schadt, E. E., Schlessinger, D., Slagboom, P. E., Snieder, H., Spector, T. 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Bentley, A. R., Divers, J., Shriner, D., Doumatey, A. P., Gutiérrez, O. M., Adeyemo, A. A., Freedman, B. I., and Rotimi, C. N. 2015. APOL1 G1 genotype modifies the association between HDLC and kidney function in African Americans. BMC Genomics, 16:421. PMCID: PMC4448293.
Joshi, P. K., Esko, T., Mattsson, H., Eklund, N., Gandin, I., Nutile, T., Jackson, A. U., Schurmann, C., Smith, A. V., Zhang, W., Okada, Y., Stančáková, A., Faul, J. D., Zhao, W., Bartz, T. M., Concas, M. P., Franceschini, N., Enroth, S., Vitart, V., Trompet, S., Guo, X., Chasman, D. I., O'Connel, J. R., Corre, T., Nongmaithem, S. S., Chen, Y., Mangino, M., Ruggiero, D., Traglia, M., Farmaki, A.-E., Kacprowski, T., Bjonnes, A., van der Spek, A., Wu, Y., Giri, A. K., Yanek, L. R., Wang, L., Hofer, E., Rietveld, C. A., McLeod, O., Cornelis, M. C., Pattaro, C., Verweij, N., Baumbach, C., Abdellaoui, A., Warren, H. R., Vuckovic, D., Mei, H., Bouchard, C., Perry, J. R. B., Cappellani, S., Mirza, S. S., Benton, M. C., Broeckel, U., Medland, S. E., Lind, P. A., Malerba, G., Drong, A., Yengo, L., Bielak, L. F., Zhi, D., van der Most, P. J., Shriner, D., Mägi, R., Hemani, G., Karaderi, T., Wang, Z., Liu, T., Demuth, I., Zhao, J. H., Meng, W., Lataniotis, L., van der Laan, S. W., Bradfield, J. 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W., Kähönen, M., Kamatani, Y., Kanoni, S., Kerr, S. M., Khan, N. M., Koellinger, P., Koistinen, H. A., Kooner, M. K., Kubo, M., Kuusisto, J., Lahti, J., Launer, L. J., Lea, R. A., Lehne, B., Lehtimäki, T., Liewald, D. C., Lind, L., Loh, M., Lokki, M.-L., London, S. J., Loomis, S. J., Loukola, A., Lu, Y., Lumley, T., Lundqvist, A., Männistö, S., Marques-Vidal, P., Masciullo, C., Matchan, A., Mathias, R. A., Matsuda, K., Meigs, J. B., Meisinger, C., Meitinger, T., Menni, C., Mentch, F. D., Mihailov, E., Milani, L., Montasser, M. E., Montgomery, G. W., Morrison, A., Myers, R. H., Nadukuru, R., Navarro, P., Nelis, M., Nieminen, M. S., Nolte, I. M., O'Connor, G. T., Ogunniyi, A., Padmanabhan, S., Palmas, W. R., Pankow, J. S., Patarcic, I., Pavani, F., Peyser, P. A., Pietilainen, K., Poulter, N., Prokopenko, I., Ralhan, S., Redmond, P., Rich, S. S., Rissanen, H., Robino, A., Rose, L. M., Rose, R., Sala, C., Salako, B., Salomaa, V., Sarin, A.-P., Saxena, R., Schmidt, H., Scott, L. J., Scott, W. R., Sennblad, B., Seshadri, S., Sever, P., Shrestha, S., Smith, B. H., Smith, J. A., Soranzo, N., Sotoodehnia, N., Southam, L., Stanton, A. V., Stathopoulou, M. G., Strauch, K., Strawbridge, R. J., Suderman, M. J., Tandon, N., Tang, S.-T., Taylor, K. D., Tayo, B. O., Töglhofer, A. M., Tomaszewski, M., Tšernikova, N., Tuomilehto, J., Uitterlinden, A. G., Vaidya, D., van Hylckama Vlieg, A., van Setten, J., Vasankari, T., Vedantam, S., Vlachopoulou, E., Vozzi, D., Vuoksimaa, E., Waldenberger, M., Ware, E. B., Wentworth-Shields, W., Whitfield, J. B., Wild, S., Willemsen, G., Yajnik, C. S., Yao, J., Zaza, G., Zhu, X., The BioBank Japan Project, Salem, R. M., Melbye, M., Bisgaard, H., Samani, N. J., Cusi, D., Mackey, D. A., Cooper, R. S., Froguel, P., Pasterkamp, G., Grant, S. F. A., Hakonarson, H., Ferrucci, L., Scott, R. A., Morris, A. D., Palmer, C. N. A., Dedoussis, G., Deloukas, P., Bertram, L., Lindenberger, U., Berndt, S. I., Lindgren, C. M., Timpson, N. 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Last updated: April 17, 2017