Bao-Hanh Ngo
Management Analyst
Technology Transfer Office
B.S. University of Maryland at College Park
Last updated: September 27, 2023
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Technology Transfer Office
B.S. University of Maryland at College Park
Bao-Hanh Ngo (Hanh) joined the NHGRI Technology Transfer Office (TTO) in April 2022 as a Management Analyst. Hanh has over 20 years of office administration experience and currently supports the TTO director, Anna Solowiej, and her team.
Before joining NHGRI TTO, Hanh was with NHGRI extramural in the Division of Genome Sciences serving as the assistant to the director where she worked for 9 years. Hanh received a B.S. in community health education from the University of Maryland at College Park.
When Hanh is not engaged in technology transfer activities, she likes to hike, cook, take care of her plants and spend time with her family.
Last updated: September 27, 2023