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Cristina Kapustij, M.S., is chief of the Policy and Program Analysis Branch at the National Human Genome Research Institute. Ms. Kapustij spearheads the branch’s efforts to understand the policy implications of genomics research and technologies, assess policy needs for the field, and develop policy positions on issues arising from the translation of genomic research discoveries to uses within the public domain. In addition to advising Institute leadership on a broad range of policy and program matters, she oversees the branch’s policy analysis related to the ethical, legal and social implications of human genomics research and develops policies to address these issues.

Ms. Kapustij’s well rounded work experiences have prepared her to lead the policy branch at NHGRI.  Prior to her role at NHGRI, she worked at the Institute for Human Genetics at the University of California, San Francisco. There she was the program manager for a National Institutes of Health cooperative research grant titled, "Sequencing of Newborn Blood Spot DNA to Improve and Expand Newborn Screening." She directed policy responses to potential changes in state and federal legislation; coordinated interactions with the Food and Drug Administration; and researched the societal implications of the DNA sequencing of newborn blood spots.

Ms. Kapustij has also worked in industry, on Capitol Hill as a Congressional Health Fellow in the office of Representative John Dingell, and at Duke University’s Center for Genome Ethics, Law and Policy where she was also a member of the Medical Center Institutional Review Board.  These myriad opportunities have allowed her to work on a variety of topics including direct-to-consumer genetic testing and intellectual property issues.  Her interest in science policy was fostered at the National Academies of Science as a Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Fellow and as an intern in the AAAS Science and Policy Directorate.

Ms. Kapustij earned a Bachelor of Science in biology and a Bachelor of Arts in Russian language and civilization from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.  She holds a Master of Science in biotechnology from Georgetown University.

Last updated: June 6, 2019