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Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium

The IGVF will develop a framework for systematically understanding the effects of genomic variation on genome function and how these effects shape phenotypes.

One of the central problems in biology is understanding how genomic variation affects genome function to influence phenotypes. NHGRI initiated a new program, the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium, to develop a framework for systematically understanding the effects of genomic variation on genome function and how these effects shape phenotypes. The program is based on recommendations from the 2019 workshop "From Genome to Phenotype: Genomic Variation Identification, Association, and Function in Human Health and Disease" (workshop report). IGVF is a research consortium that brings investigators together in a highly collaborative effort to examine how genomes function, how genome function shapes phenotypes, and how these processes are influenced by genomic variation. The program utilizes emerging experimental and computational genomic approaches to build a catalog of the impact of genomic variants on genome function and phenotypes.

Visit the IGVF Consortium website.

Program Goals

  1. Systematic perturbation of the genome to assess the impact of genomic variation on genome function and phenotype
  2. High-resolution identification of where and when genes and regulatory elements function
  3. Advancement of network-level understanding of the influence of genetic variation and genome function on phenotype
  4. Development and testing of innovative predictive models of the impact of genomic variation on genome function
  5. Generation of a resource centered on a catalog of variant impacts and including data, tools, and models that will be shared with the broader research community
  6. Enabling others to perform related studies using these approaches.

Participants and Projects

AwardeeInstitutionTitleAward Number
Characterization Awards
Jay Shendure
Nadav Ahituv
Martin Kircher
University of Washington
UC San Francisco
Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin
Massively parallel characterization of variants and elements impacting transcriptional regulation in dynamic cellular systemsHG011966
Lea Starita
Douglas Fowler
University of WashingtonThe Center for Actionable Variant Analysis; measuring variant function at scaleHG011969
Jesse Engreitz
Thomas Quertermous
Stanford UniversityStanford Center for Connecting DNA Variants to Function and PhenotypeHG011972
Marc VidalDana-Farber Cancer InstituteMolecular phenotyping of ~100,000 coding variants across Mendelian disease genesHG011989
Gary Hon
William Kraus
Nikhil Munshi
University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterMultiscale functional characterization of genomic variation in human developmental disordersHG011996
Hyejung Won
Michael Love
Karen Mohlke
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillSystematic in vivo characterization of disease-associated regulatory variantsHG012003
Luca Pinello
Daniel Bauer
Guillaume Lettre
Richard Sherwood
Massachusetts General Hospital
Children's Hospital Boston
Montreal Heart Institute
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Comprehensive characterization of variants underlying heart and blood diseases with CRISPR base editingHG012010
Charles Gersbach
Gregory Crawford
Tim Reddy
Duke UniversityHigh-throughput functional annotation of gene regulatory elements and variants critical to complex cellular phenotypesHG012053
Mapping Awards
Jason Buenrostro
Bradley Bernstein
Broad Institute, Harvard University
Broad Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital
A foundational resource of functional elements, TF footprints and gene regulatory interactionsHG011986
Ansuman SatpathyStanford UniversitySingle-cell Mapping Center for Human Regulatory Elements and Gene ActivityHG012076
Seyed Mortazavi
Barbara Wold
UC Irvine
California Institute of Technology
Center for Mouse Genomic Variation at Single Cell ResolutionHG012077
Predictive Modeling Awards
Alan BoyleUniversity of MichiganPredicting the impact of genomic variation on cellular statesHG011952
Andrew S. Allen
William Majoros
Charles D. Page Jr.
Duke UniversityDesign, prediction, and prioritization of systematic perturbations of the human genomeHG011967
Soumya Raychaudhuri
Alkes Price
Shamil Sunyaev
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harvard School of Public Health
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Predicting the impact of genetic variants, genes and pathways on human diseaseHG012009
Predrag RadivojacNortheastern UniversitySupporting IGVF by modeling genetics, function, and phenotype with machine learningHG012022
Mark CravenUniversity of WisconsinLinking variants to multi-scale phenotypes via a synthesis of subnetwork inference and deep learningHG012039
Zhiping Weng
Manuel Garber
Xihong Lin
University of Massachusetts Medical School
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Harvard School of Public Health
Predictive modeling of the functional and phenotypic impacts of genetic variantsHG012064
Anshul KundajeStanford UniversityPredicting context-specific molecular and phenotypic effects of genetic variation through the lens of the cis-regulatory codeHG012069
Network Awards
Harinder Singh
Jishnu Das
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh
Linking genome variation to transcriptional network dynamics in human B cellsHG012041
Hao Wu
Sreeram Kannan
Hongjun Song
University of PennsylvaniaDefining causal roles of genomic variants on gene regulatory networks with spatiotemporally-resolved single-cell multiomicsHG012047
Danwei Huangfu
Michael Beer
Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis
Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research
Genomic control of gene regulatory networks governing early human lineage decisionsHG012051
Maike Sander
Hannah Carter
Kyle Gaulton
Bing Ren
UC San DiegoThe impact of genomic variation on environment-induced changes in pancreatic beta-cell statesHG012059
Chongyuan Luo
Kathrin Plath
Noah Zaitlen
UC Los AngelesLeveraging genetic variation to dissect gene regulatory networks of reprogramming to pluripotencyHG012079
Christina Leslie
Alexander Rudensky
Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer ResearchDeciphering the genomics of gene network regulation of T cell and fibroblast states in autoimmune inflammationHG012103
Data and Administrative Coordinating Center Awards
J. Michael Cherry
Mark Gerstein
Benjamin Hitz
Stanford University
Yale University
Stanford University
A Data and Administrative Coordinating Center for the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function ConsortiumHG012012
Ting Wang
Feng Yue
Washington University, Saint Louis
Northwestern University
WashU-Northwestern Genomic Variation and Function Data and Administrative Coordinating CenterHG012070

Affiliate Membership

The IGVF Program offers researchers not currently funded by the IGVF Consortium the opportunity to apply to join the program as non-voting affiliate members. IGVF expects to benefit from the unique expertise affiliated members can bring to the Consortium. IGVF anticipates an affiliated member’s benefits will include the highly interactive research environment, participating in Consortium discussions across a broad range of activities, participating in Consortium analyses and access to data prior to QC. 

Affiliate members are expected to contribute to the goals of the IGVF Consortium by generating data and/or analyses, sharing data and/or analyses freely through the IGVF Data and Administrative Coordinating Center (DACC), and/or by contributing to cross- consortium integrative analyses. (An alternative is direct collaboration between an IGVF member and an external researcher, without sharing IGVF resources beyond what that IGVF member has created.) Affiliate members are also expected to be actively engaged in IGVF activities (i.e. participate in working groups as appropriate, attend the IGVF annual meeting) and to abide by all policies approved by the consortium and any other pertinent NIH policies. Failure to abide by these rules and policies may result in suspension of membership.

Affiliate membership does not directly or indirectly imply a commitment to funding by the NIH.

This policy was last updated March 15, 2022.

Concept Clearances

Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (Renewal)
September 9, 2024 Council

Consortium for Understanding the Impact of Genomic Variation on Genome Function 
February 10, 2020 Council

Expired Funding Opportunities


At this time, there are no current funding opportunities. 



  • NOT-HG-20-055: Notice of Pre-Application Webinars for the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium FOAs (RFA-HG-20-043, RFA-HG-20-044, RFA-HG-20-045, RFA-HG-20-046, RFA-HG-20-047)                                                                                   
  • RFA-HG-20-043: Systematic Characterization of Genomic Variation on Genomic Function and Phenotype (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
    Expiration Date: November 5, 2020
  • RFA-HG-20-044: Defining Genomic Influence on Gene Network Regulation (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
    Expiration Date: November 5, 2020
  • RFA-HG-20-045: Single-cell Profiling of Regulatory Element and Gene Activity in Relationship to Genome Function (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
    Expiration Date: November 5, 2020
  • RFA-HG-20-046: Genomic Variation and Function Data and Administrative Coordinating Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
    Expiration Date: November 5, 2020
  • RFA-HG-20-047: Developing Predictive Models of the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
    Expiration Date: November 5, 2020

Program Staff

Program Directors

Profile Photo
Mike Pazin, Ph.D.
  • Program Director
  • Division of Genome Sciences
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Daniel A. Gilchrist, Ph.D.
  • Program Director
  • Division of Genome Sciences
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Stephanie A. Morris, Ph.D.
  • Program Director
  • Division of Genome Sciences

Program Analysts

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Sarah Anstice, B.S.
  • Scientific Program Analyst
  • Division of Genome Sciences
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Afia Asare, B.S.
  • Scientific Program Analyst
  • Division of Genome Sciences

Last updated: March 24, 2025