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Content Formats
- Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx)1
- Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program2
- Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits1
- Genome Technology Program1
- Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium1
- Clinical Genome (ClinGen) Resource1
- Polygenic RIsk MEthods in Diverse populations (PRIMED) Consortium1
- Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases (GREGOR) Consortium2
News Release
Researchers build a statistical model using family health history to improve disease risk assessment
Researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) have developed a new statistical model that can predict the risk for developing diseases by combining information about family member health and lifestyle factors from family members.
… history information to assess which conditions with a genetic component pose a risk to your health and require … because its development depends strongly on a person’s genetic predisposition, combined with their environment and …
Media Availability
Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects ten percent of the world's population, but the genetics underlying the disease remain poorly understood.
… A comprehensive investigation of the underlying genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes has unveiled the most detailed look at the genetic differences that increase a person's risk for disease … 2 diabetes; however, it remains unknown exactly how these genetic changes, known as variants, are distributed among …
Professional Development
ASHG and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) co-sponsor the Genetics Education and Engagement Fellowship to support early-career genetics professionals wishing to transition to careers in genetics education and public engagement.
Professional Development Programs
The Genetics and Public Policy Fellowship is designed for individuals interested in the development and implementation of genetics-related health and research policies at a national level.
News Release
Scientists studying the genomes of nearly 5,000 people have pinpointed a genetic variant tied to an increased risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease.
… the genomes of nearly 5,000 people have pinpointed a genetic variant tied to an increased risk for stroke, and … their findings may provide new clues to underlying genetic and biochemical influences in the development of … genetics have been difficult to understand. Numerous genetic and environmental factors can contribute to a person …
The Journeys in Human Genetics and Genomics Colloquium is part of a training partnership between ASHG and NHGRI to showcase the depth and breadth of exciting scientific, clinical, and societal elements of human genetics and genomics at an introductory level as well as to illustrate the myriad associated career opportunities.
The NHGRI Education and Community Involvement Branch is co-hosting a webinar on January 9 with the Undergraduate Genetics Education Network that will explore the changing landscape of genetics from a largely descriptive field and emerging creative fields.
… can your students expect to see as genetics and genetic engineering grow into a new variety of research and …
On March 12-16, 2024, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the 2024 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting - an annual medical and scientific conference continues to provide groundbreaking research and the latest advances in medical genetics, genomics and personalized medicine.
…  No. Title P006 Evaluation and Application of a Genetic Risk Score for Uric Acid in Trans-Ancestry All of Us …
Jobs at NHGRI
Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Daphne W. Bell, within the Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute, at NIH.
Jobs at NHGRI
Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Daphne W. Bell, within the Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute, at NIH.