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61 - 70 of 308 for “Division of Intramural Research” for “Division of Intramural Research”
The Genomics Landscape
In May 4, 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., details a report released by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, that provided a series of recommendations for using population descriptors in future genetics and genomics studies.
… we celebrated three anniversaries — the 70th anniversary of the discovery of DNA's double-helical structure, the 20th … are available. As someone who previously led an active research program in comparative genomics, I was pleased to … accomplishments in genomic medicine Upcoming Videocast Intramural Research Seminar Series: Rasmus Nielsen — May 4 …
The NHGRI Education and Community Involvement Branch is co-hosting a webinar on January 9 with the Undergraduate Genetics Education Network that will explore the changing landscape of genetics from a largely descriptive field and emerging creative fields.
… Reimagined: Preparing Students to Explore the Forefront of Research and Design." This live, highly participatory workshop will explore the changing landscape of genetics from a largely descriptive field (how does it …
The Genomics Landscape
In the July 7, 2022 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., emphasizes the importance of the Technology Transfer Office and its mission to manage all the legal negotiations that help to protect federally funded research from being unduly exploited, while also giving that research avenues to reach patients through the commercialization of promising advances.
… I would like to bring to your attention a wonderful example of scientific influencers making their way into pop culture. …   All the best,   … As with all NIH-funded work, NHGRI intramural researchers must responsibly share large-scale … in all agreements, big and small. TTO is part of the NHGRI Division of Intramural Research but is available to assist …
Research at NHGRI
The Democratizing Education for Sickle Cell Disease Gene Therapy project developed patient-focused educational materials for the sickle cell community.
… materials reflect the priorities and perspectives of both individuals living with sickle cell disease and the gene therapy and biomedical research communities.    … This project created … gene therapy to understand the benefits and limitations of treatments so that they can make an informed decision on …
Fact Sheets
Comparative genomics is a field of biological research in which researchers compare the complete genome sequences of different species.
… Comparative genomics is a field of biological research in which researchers use a variety of tools to … in the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) intramural program also have studied the genomics of various …
A timeline of notable events in the history of the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… was the first NHGRI Director and appears here as part of our history collection. Despite his scientific … expanded its role on the NIH campus by establishing the Division of Intramural Research to apply genome technologies to the study …
Fact Sheet
With increasing complexity in genomic data, researchers are turning to artificial intelligence and machine learning as ways to identify meaningful patterns for healthcare and research purposes.
… Big Picture The genomics field continues to expand the use of computational methods such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve our understanding of hidden patterns in large and complex genomics data sets from basic and clinical research projects.   Machine learning analyses could benefit …
NHGRI is the driving force for advancing genomics research at the National Institutes of Health, the world's largest biomedical research agency.
… Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) is the driving force for advancing genomics research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest biomedical research agency in … progress in genomics that will benefit the efforts of others. … Throughout its history, NHGRI has been committed …
News, events and media resources related to the research and programs supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute.
… … Sign up to receive NHGRI updates about our latest research, upcoming events and website content. … Social Media … & Events … News, events and media resources related to the research and programs supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute. … News, events and media resources …
Fact Sheet
A fact sheet detailing how the project began and how it shaped the future of research and technology.
… by the Human Genome Project was actually a patchwork of multiple people whose identities were intentionally made … to protect their privacy.   However, the majority of the sequence came from one person of blended ancestry. … … How did the Human Genome Project affect biological research in general? The Human Genome Project demonstrated …