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Dr. Stone is a staff clinician in NHGRI's Inflammatory Disease Section.
Dr. Rossignol is a staff clinician in the Undiagnosed Diseases Program under Dr. William Gahl.
Dr. Grisel Lopez is a Board-certified neurologist and researcher in the Medical Genetics Branch of NHGRI.
Dr. Introne is a pediatrician, clinical and biochemical geneticist in the Medical Genetics Branch in NHGRI.
Dr. Galarreta is a board-certified pediatrician and biochemical geneticist in NHGRI's Metabolic Medicine Branch.
Fact Sheet
El consentimiento informado es más que un formulario; es un proceso. ¿Qué implica?
The Genomics Landscape
In the October 2023 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green, reflects on the twelve years of groundbreaking research by the Clinical Sequencing Evidence-generating Research (CSER) consortium.
Bao-Hahn Ngo is a management analyst in NHGRI's Technology Transfer Office (TTO).
Karen Surabian is a Senior Licensing and Patenting Manager in the NHGRI Technology Transfer Office (TTO).
Un folleto que proporciona información general sobre el Instituto Nacional de Investigación del Genoma Humano (NHGRI) como organización en un formato fácil de leer.