Search Results

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For Patients and Families
FAQs about genetic disorders, the impact of genomics on your health, and the emerging science of pharmacogenomics.
… about genetic disorders, the impact of genomics on your health, and the emerging science of pharmacogenomics. … Health FAQs … FAQs about genetic disorders, the impact of genomics on your health, and the emerging science of pharmacogenomics. ​​ ​ … …
Information about genomics competencies, patient care, and related partnership and outreach activities at NHGRI.
… is growing and ever-changing, and it’s crucial for health professionals to have a firm understanding of genomics … and outreach activities. … Related Content … For Health Professionals … Information about genomics … related partnership and outreach activities at NHGRI. … Health …
Search for names, email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information of NHGRI staff.
… … Genomics Researchers, NIH Staff, National Institutes Of Health Employees, NHGRI Employees … Search for names, email …
Leadership Initiatives
The Genomics and Health Disparities Interest Group provides a forum to connect individuals from different scientific disciplines across the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and researchers in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area engaged in genomics and health disparities research, as well as provide opportunities for professional development, networking and community engagement. 
… The Genomics and Health Disparities Interest Group provides a forum to connect … scientific disciplines across the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and researchers in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area engaged in genomics and health disparities research, as well as provide opportunities …
Your Genome
Information about the relationship between genomics and health for patients, families and health professionals.
… Going beyond family health history … Genetic conditions can be difficult to … of pharmacogenomics, and tools to create your own family health history. … Our experts have developed a list of … questions about the genome and how it relates to your health. … Your family's health history can help you discover …
News Release
My Family Health Portrait is a downloadable tool to complete a family health history on a personal computer.
… 2004, the U.S. Surgeon General launched a national public health campaign called the U.S. Surgeon General's Family … to raise public awareness about the importance of family health history, and encourage all families to learn more … history has become an important component of public health systems that screens for and serves populations at higher …
News Release
As you celebrate Thanksgiving with your family, remember that this special day is also National Family Health History Day.
… remember that this special day is also National Family Health History Day. … Family health history is important to your health . It can help you detect disease risks that are unique …
Genetic Disorders
Tay-Sachs disease is a fatal genetic disorder that results in progressive destruction of the nervous system.
Research Training
This program provides doctoral and medical graduates the opportunity to use genomic approaches to advance the growing area of health disparities research
… Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Intramural Health Disparities Postdoctoral Fellowship provides recent … and genomic approaches to advance the growing area of health disparities research … The program is intended to … only basic, clinical, or behavioral research related to health disparate populations and the medically underserved, …
Educational Resources
An antibody is a protein component of the immune system that circulates in the blood, recognizes foreign substances like bacteria and viruses, and neutralizes them.