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The Journeys in Human Genetics and Genomics Colloquium is part of a training partnership between ASHG and NHGRI to showcase the depth and breadth of exciting scientific, clinical, and societal elements of human genetics and genomics at an introductory level as well as to illustrate the myriad associated career opportunities.
Genetic Disorders
Wilson disease is a rare genetic condition that causes a person's body to store too much of the mineral copper, leading to organ damage that may cause death.
… Wilson disease is a rare genetic condition that causes a person's body to store too … damage that may cause death. … Wilson disease is a rare genetic condition that affects about one in 30,000 people. … disease. Copper content of the liver is also measured. Genetic testing is frequently used to help diagnose Wilson …
Research at NHGRI
The NHGRI Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch identifies and study genes that contribute to cancer susceptibility and progression.
… gastric cancers. They also study the relationship between genetic variation and cancer progression and pursue the … primary focus of CGCGB investigators is to identify the genetic contribution to the processes of cancer … genomes. Specifically, the program: Focuses on finding genetic relationships between regions of the human genome and …
The Genomics Landscape
In the September 2019 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green details the American Society of Human Genetics' (ASHG) new strategic plan, which aims to get people everywhere to realize the benefits of genomics and genetics research.
… an informed public. Establishing how best to advance genetic and genomic literacy is a major challenge. No one … summary data. In addition, All of Us recently funded a genetic counseling resource to help participants understand what the …
On November 16-17, 2023, the National Human Genome Institute will co-sponsor a workshop, Advances in the Genetic Architecture of Complex Human Traits, to take a historically grounded and forward-looking approach towards dissecting the genetic architecture of complex traits in humans.
… and dynamic processes in general that may mediate genetic effects on traits?  Advances in sequencing … or theoretically, for scalable approaches to map genetic effects on higher-order compositions of cells: … theory inform our understanding of how and why the genetic architecture of molecular level traits differ from …
The Journeys in Human Genetics and Genomics Colloquium is part of a training partnership between ASHG and NHGRI to showcase the depth and breadth of exciting scientific, clinical, and societal elements of human genetics and genomics at an introductory level as well as to illustrate the myriad associated career opportunities.
This Summit is a 5-year initiative (2016-2020) designed to help developing nations build and expand their knowledge base, infrastructure, systems, research efforts and technologies in human genetics and genomics.
… countries address their public health challenges in genetic diseases. This will ultimately help build healthier … medicine worldwide, as it provided new insights into the genetic contributions to disease. Many scientists and … and submission. The role of genetic and genomic counseling, and support groups in managing inherited …
NHGRI is hosting a workshop - Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate genetic Diagnosis - on April 16-17, 2024.
… - Break 4:10 PM – Session 5: Computational Tools to Enable Genetic Diagnoses Moderator: Chris Wellington, NHGRI 4:10 PM … much work remains to advance our understanding of the genetic cause of Mendelian conditions and to increase the … Drive … Identifying Research Priorities to Accelerate Genetic Diagnosis … NHGRI is hosting a workshop - Identifying …
Policy Issues
The GINA is an important U.S. civil rights law that protects individuals from discrimination based on their genetic information.
… The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, commonly known as … protects individuals from discrimination based on their genetic information. It was first introduced into the U.S. Congress in the 1990s at a time when genetic testing and genetics research was taking off at …
The NHGRI Education and Community Involvement Branch is co-hosting a webinar on January 9 with the Undergraduate Genetics Education Network that will explore the changing landscape of genetics from a largely descriptive field and emerging creative fields.
… can your students expect to see as genetics and genetic engineering grow into a new variety of research and …