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Search for names, email addresses, phone numbers and other contact information of NHGRI staff.

Kathleen Craft
Kathleen (Katie) Craft, B.S.N., R.N.
Kathleen Renna
Kathleen Renna
Katie Bardsley
Katie Bardsley, B.S.
Katie Zimmerman
Katie N. Zimmerman
Katy Garvey
Katy Garvey
Kayla Titialii-Torres
Kayla Titialii-Torres, Ph.D.
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Kaylee Foor
Keith H. McKenney, Ph.D.
Keith H. McKenney, Ph.D.
Ken Nakamura, Ph.D.
Ken Nakamura, Ph.D.
Kendall Flaherty
Kendall Flaharty
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Kenya R. Smith
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Kevin E. Fedkenheuer
Kevin Fuentes
Kevin Fuentes
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Kevin J. O'brien
Kevin Bishop
Kevin S. Bishop, B.S.
Kiana Amini
Kiana Amini
Kimberly M. Ferguson
Kimberly M. Ferguson

Submitting a new photo

We now accept phone images for the staff photo directory. Choose the best picture of yourself and then submit it to our web team via OC Requests.

Please see our tips for best staff photo results.