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Dr. Joan Bailey-Wilson, who retired in September 2022, looks back on her 42-year career as a scientist and reflects on the rapid growth of the genomics field.
… cancer. We identified the first gene to cause carcinoid tumors in one family we studied. What was truly exciting was … the high-risk genetic variant, diagnose and remove their tumors at a very early stage, and thus save their lives.  It … predict individuals at very high risk of carcinoid tumors. As one of the first in her family to go to college, …
Fact Sheet
Pharmacogenomics is a growing area of genomic medicine that uses a patient's genomic information to help healthcare providers select the medications and dosages that are predicted to work best in each patient.
News Release
NHGRI researchers find that specific abnormal chromosomal patterns in prenatal blood tests warrant whole-body MRI cancer screening.
… cases, the atypical results can be explained by benign tumors, autoimmune diseases, or blood abnormalities in the … Many of them had lymphoma and, in some cases, rare tumors. Often, the participants are in the early stages of … who were found to not have cancer, some had benign tumors in the uterus, known as fibroids; abnormal chromosomal …
The Genomics Landscape
In the September 2019 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green details the American Society of Human Genetics' (ASHG) new strategic plan, which aims to get people everywhere to realize the benefits of genomics and genetics research.
News Release
Daniel Kastner, M.D., Ph.D., Scientific Director for the Intramural Research Program at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) recognized for his pioneering work on the genomics of autoinflammatory diseases.
The Genomics Landscape
In the October 2019 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director Eric Green focuses on recent efforts to make the human genome reference sequence useful to basic and clinical researchers and how increasing the representation of human genomic variation will remain key components of NHGRI’s Human Genome Reference Program.
The Genomics Landscape
In the March 3, 2022 edition of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., highlights the new fact sheets produced by the institute's Communications and Public Liaison Branch.
The Genomics Landscape
In the September 2021 issue of The Genomics Landscape, NHGRI Director, Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., details how social media provides NHGRI staff with a space to talk about their work, make genomics topics easy to understand, and show how genomics can positively affect people.
… a common genetic disorder, blood test reveals when benign tumors turn cancerous Notable accomplishments in genomic …
National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research
The Director's Report Related documents contain links to materials supplemental to Dr. Eric Green's Director's Report presentation to the National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research in February 2020.