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- Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression (dGTEx)1
- Genome Technology Program2
- Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF) Consortium3
- Clinical Genome (ClinGen) Resource1
- Polygenic RIsk MEthods in Diverse populations (PRIMED) Consortium1
- Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases (GREGOR) Consortium1
News Release
NIH is launching a program, Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells (MorPhiC), to better understand the function of every human gene and generate a catalog of the molecular and cellular consequences of inactivating each gene.
… a program to better understand the function of every human gene and generate a catalog of the molecular and cellular consequences of inactivating each gene. The Molecular Phenotypes of Null Alleles in Cells … aims to systematically investigate the function of each gene through multiple phases that will each build upon the …
News Release
NIH will award nearly $80 million to support the establishment of the Mendelian Genomics Research Consortium and the development of novel methods and approaches that help researchers identify the genetic causes of single-gene diseases.
… help researchers identify the genetic causes of single-gene diseases. Over 400 million people worldwide have been … generally thought to be caused by mutations in a single gene. The awards will be provided by the National Human … research community to perform more robust Mendelian gene discovery projects. The new clinical centers will be led …
NHGRI and NICHD program staff will hold a pre-application interactive Q&A webinar for the Developmental Genotype-Tissue Expression Project funding opportunities and answer questions from prospective applicants.
… LDACC work with AnVIL ? The LDACC will deposit data from gene expression and genotyping analyses in the AnVIL on a timely … Procurement Center (BPC) Supporting the Developmental Gene Expression (dGTEx) Project: John Ilekis, Ph.D. National …
The 2018 meeting focused on KOMP's collaborations with various human disease gene discovery programs.
… on KOMP's collaborations with various human disease gene discovery programs. The day featured talks and … on KOMP's collaborations with various human disease gene discovery programs. … The 2018 meeting focused on KOMP's collaborations with various human disease gene discovery programs. … Event …
In a conversation, Dr. Elise Feingold reflects on her path to NHGRI, describes her experience leading the ENCODE program and shares advice for those considering different scientific careers.
… regulation of the switch from fetal to adult hemoglobin expression; it was just fascinating. I worked on that in … fetal hemoglobin expression. It's now a major target for gene therapy for sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia. To … Feingold managed a diverse portfolio of research grants in gene discovery, gene expression and functional genomics …
The Advances in Genomic Technology Development (AGTD) 2022 Annual Meeting was hosted by the Technology Development Coordinating Center (TDCC) from July 12-14, 2022 at The Jackson Laboratory (Farmington, CT).
… Coffee Break 11:05 a.m. Keynote Single-cell Epigenomics: Gene Regulation at Unprecedented Resolution Panel Discussion … Opportunity Fund Update: Programmable Eukaryotic Protein Expression with RNA Sensors Omar Abudayyeh, Ph.D. … the Impact of Genomic and Cellular Environments on Gene Expression Noise Clarice Hong Washington University in …
On November 1-5, 2023, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) will participate in the ASHG Annual Meeting - the world's largest human genetics and genomics meeting and exposition.  The annual meeting provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge science in all areas of human genetics.Â
… transporter as a regulator of the CLEAR gene network PB3384 Reuben M Buckley eQTL analysis of canine testes identifies gene expression patterns associated with canine body size. PB1092 …
News Release
Researchers funded by NHGRI’s Genome Technology Program include a wide range of investigators with a variety of scientific expertise.
… help scientists advance key areas such as: understanding gene regulation and genome function; synthesizing nucleic … investigating mRNA have to choose between looking at the expression of a few select genes in a whole tissue or looking … the second approach provides a more comprehensive look at gene expression. For Fei Chen, Ph.D. , professor at the Broad …
Intramural Training Office
Three-minute talk (TmT) presentation videos from previous years dating back to 2015.
… Krystyna Keller Postbaccalaureate Fellow, Koehly Lab  Gene Expression & Bioinformatics for Prenatal Therapy in Down … Fellow, Health Disparities Unit  Cardiac Strain in the GENE-FORECAST Albert Barrera Postbaccalaureate Fellow, …
News Release
Researchers from the NHGRI-funded Impact of Genomic Variation on Function Consortium are exploring how genomic variation affects genome function.
… test variants to determine which ones can affect gene expression in common human diseases. Hyejung Won, Ph.D. , an … variants in the regulatory elements increase or decrease gene activity and how the variants are affecting traits in …